Profiling software... possible? Tips? Tricks?

  • So, I've been grousing for some time about the lack of bass amps up on the rig exchange, so I thought I'd try to do some profiling with my Kemper but since I don't own and amp... I figured I'd try to profile some of my software like Amplitube. It's capable of some pretty excellent sounds. Is there some issue like latency that'll trip me up? Has anyone else tried this?

  • All righty then, I will. I've got the SVX, Hendrix and a bunch of stuff from the Amplitube custom shop. I thought there might be a weird issue considering the latency, but I guess not. I'll post when I get something good.

    All of the Amplitube Slash profiles that imposted were obviously profiles of vst's. Was very easy to do and no latency issues. Just have to make sure that you have your input output gains right both physically and in the software.

  • The profiler compensate for latency

    I guess that makes total sense considering you could theoretically place a mic far enough away to get into the range of a audio interface's latency... though I imagine you'd get a lot of room...

    Maybe this deserves another topic... but I seem to notice that no rig I come across has any built in room ambience as you might expect if the amp was in a "live" sounding room. That's OK, as it's fine and even preferable to add it with a convolution plug (I like Virsyn's REFLECT) or the KPA's very good, but somewhat limited reverb, but I've wondered why it's not built in to some profiles. Does the process compensate for that too?

  • I guess that makes total sense considering you could theoretically place a mic far enough away to get into the range of a audio interface's latency... though I imagine you'd get a lot of room...

    Maybe this deserves another topic... but I seem to notice that no rig I come across has any built in room ambience as you might expect if the amp was in a "live" sounding room. That's OK, as it's fine and even preferable to add it with a convolution plug (I like Virsyn's REFLECT) or the KPA's very good, but somewhat limited reverb, but I've wondered why it's not built in to some profiles. Does the process compensate for that too?

    The KPA just does not capture ANY reverb tail, no matter how much reverb is present in the source sound. Though this is a limitation to some point, it prevents phasing problems.

  • OK, well my profiling experiment went swimmingly. It took about an hour, but that's only because I was reading though the somewhat outdated but excellent manual. The end result needed a bit of eq manipulation but overall sounded excellent. For some reason it came out a bit boomier and louder than the software amp. I think it probably has to do with my levels... I think I may retry again today to see if I can get a bit closer without having to dial down the bass... but truth be told, I ended up pretty damn happy with my final rig. I've always been a fan of the Amplitube SVX software though. I doubt I'll profile any of the Amplitube guitar amps... I don't see the point much with all the vastly superior profiles of actual amps included and up on the Rig Exchange.

    Thanks for all the help and tips. I probably deserved a RTFM ;) as when I did most of my questions were answered there. The manual is really well written, I must say, and overall the profiling process was super easy once everything was connected correctly. Makes me sad I don't have an actual amp or two to profile. :D