Problem with volume pedal on midicontroller

  • For many years now I use a Roland FC-200 midicontroller for accessing all of my rigs in my KPA powerhead. I used to set the volume pedal on this controller to a rhythm volume in heel position (let's say 40) and to solo volume all the way up: toe position 127.

    Its present position for quite some time now is heel: 0 and solo 127. In other words: I have forgotten how to set this volume pedal again to a desired minimum in heel position.

    I checked the midi page (in System) several times: Pedal Links - CC07 goes from 0 - 127 pressing the volume pedal from heel to toe. But now I want to go from, let's say heel 50 to toe 127. I can't get it done. Anyone for the Eureka...?

    Edited once, last by theplayer (January 21, 2022 at 11:50 PM).

  • I don't use the same midicontroller, but I remember that, when setting my Behringer FCB, there's a procedure to Calibrate pedals, I'd check in Your Roland manual if there's a way to Set in the pedalboard the Minimun value of the pedal at Heel .

  • For many years now I use a Roland FC-200 midicontroller for accessing all of my rigs in my KPA powered head. I used to set the volume pedal on this controller to a rhythm volume in heel position (let's say 40) and to solo volume all the way up: toe position 127.

    Its present position for quite some time now is heel: 0 and solo 127. In other words: I have forgotten how to set this volume pedal again to a desired minimum in heel position.

    I checked the midi page (in System) several times: Pedal Links - CC07 goes from 0 - 127 pressing the volume pedal from heel to toe. But now I want to go from, let's say heel 50 to toe 127. I can't get it done. Anyone for the Eureka...?

    I believe the volume calibration scale can be adjusted in the Rig settings, under Volume Pedal Settings. Set the Range to a negative number, somewhere around -0.8.

  • I don't use the same midicontroller, but I remember that, when setting my Behringer FCB, there's a procedure to Calibrate pedals, I'd check in Your Roland manual if there's a way to Set in the pedalboard the Minimun value of the pedal at Heel .

    Hi Sollazzon, I've carefully read all 47 pages of the manual but there's no information about calibrating the FC-200. It does however explain the procedure for returning to its factory default values (initialization) but I don't see if this would help to set the pedal to a certain minimum value. Thank you anyway!

    I believe the volume calibration scale can be adjusted in the Rig settings, under Volume Pedal Settings. Set the Range to a negative number, somewhere around -0.8.

    Hi Slowery, You mean in System? There's indeed a Volume tab as a part of Pedal Links. But a random setting in the right screen ((Volume CC07) doesn't get saved. But thank you for your reply.

    Please read the MANUAL" Kemper Profiler Main Manual 8.5"
    see Volume Pedal Range
    page Expression Pedals and Foot Switches 147

    Hi Yoda, Thank you so much for clearing up how to do this. :thumbup::thumbup:This is the right solution. I did read (!) the manual before several times but couldn't find the answer.
    I've now set my Volume Pedal to a Range Value of 0.8 for rhythm volume (heel position) which gives me just enough volume left for soloing in toe position. And then I locked Vol. Pedal for having a global setting, just what I needed for every rig.:)

  • Hi Sollazzon, I've carefully read all 47 pages of the manual but there's no information about calibrating the FC-200. It does however explain the procedure for returning to its factory default values (initialization) but I don't see if this would help to set the pedal to a certain minimum value. Thank you anyway!

    Hi Slowery, You mean in System? There's indeed a Volume tab as a part of Pedal Links. But a random setting in the right screen ((Volume CC07) doesn't get saved. But thank you for your reply.

    Hi Yoda, Thank you so much for clearing up how to do this. :thumbup::thumbup:This is the right solution. I did read (!) the manual before several times but couldn't find the answer.
    I've now set my Volume Pedal to a Range Value of 0.8 for rhythm volume (heel position) which gives me just enough volume left for soloing in toe position. And then I locked Vol. Pedal for having a global setting, just what I needed for every rig.:)

    It's configured in the Rig section, not System. Go to page 147 in the 8.5 Kemper Manual.

    Edited once, last by slowery (January 23, 2022 at 3:07 AM).

  • Please read the MANUAL" Kemper Profiler Main Manual 8.5"
    see Volume Pedal Range
    page Expression Pedals and Foot Switches 147

    Reading is one thing. Understanding is something else. I'm now at the point that my volume pedal isn't working anymore. Must have done something wrong...but what?

    I can't see the location of the Volume Pedal in Rig Settings. When I press Rig, I get this:

    Where is that Volume Pedal Location?