How do YOU sort rigs?

  • Hi all,
    I'm just starting my Kemper journey with a used rackmount and a thumb drive full of rigs.
    So I'm just wondering how to satisfy my OCD and import and sort the 6500 or so rigs that came with my unit. There's no "right" answer of course, I'm just looking at what works for YOU.
    For instance, I love Morgan amps (I have 2 sitting behind me as I type). So Joe does amps that are "renditions" of Vox, Marshall and Fender. But they're really unique amps that are inspired by rather than copied.
    So would you create a folder in your local library for "Morgan" or would you add to the "Vox", "Marshall" and "Fender" folders YOU created?
    Also, I noticed a unique icon on the "Rig Packs" collections in the rig manager which act like folders, but don't have the folder icon. Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance and I'm sure I'll be checking often.
    Mr. Ex

  • Hi MysterEx.

    Welcome to the community and congratulations on getting you Rack PROFILER. Did you get a REMOTE to go with it?

    As far as organizing rigs, I keep very little on the PROFILER. I leave things in Rig Manager (if it's in Rig Manager but not installed on the PROFILER, then it's on my PC)

    I tend to think of my Rigs in the context of Performances rather than individual Rigs. If you do that, you can keep your Rigs pristine and unmolested by edits. Just do the edits in Performances. The Slots in Performances start off as clones of Rigs, but you can then modify them any way you want without changing the originals/

    Here are some resources that I have found (and continue to find) invaluable. I hope they will help you reap great value from your new investment.


    ? Kemper Manuals and Quick Start guides ?

    ? Rig Manager Download and Documentation ??

    ? Kemper Tutorials & Demos (videos) ?

    ? Kemper FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

    Download Main Manual 8.5 English

    ? Before you buy Commercial Rigs and Profiles check out the Rig Manager for Rig Packs and Rig Exchange

    Essential Videos for Beginners and Veterans

    Kemper Tone Tips - Volume 1 - Testing an Amp Profile

    Kemper Tone Tips - Volume 2 - Profile Tweaking

    Kemper Tone Tips - Volume 3 - Kemper Kabinet

    ?Yes, you can change a Profile - The Biggest Myth About the 

  • I organize them like this:

    Top Folder: Vendor name

    subfolders: package/amp name

    If i want to try them at our rehearsal space i take my laptop with me. After i checked them out i built a perfomance and store the best directly in the profiler.

    The rig packs are coellections by Kemper. They include free profiles by Kemper and other vendors and you can just use them within the rigmanager or copy them in your own folders or the profiler itself.

    Happy holidays!

  • I organise mine in 3 folders

    1 - studio profiles from others

    2 - direct amp profiles from others (stops you accidentally landing on a rog with no cabinet and getting that chainsaw to the ears experience)

    3 - my own profiles or edits to other profiles.

    I no longer use folders and subfolders as Rig Manager can search in sub folders so they were more of an inconvenience than a help to me.

    in order to make the search function more useful I went through all the rigs in RM and updated all the tags to meaningful info. For example (even from the same vendor) the same amp type can have a different pseudonym like Mars/Marshmallow/British Stack type thing instead of Marshall. So I use the sort column to put all rigs that use Mars as Amp Manufacturer for example next to each other. I then highlight them all and type Marshall into the amp name of one of the rigs. This updates them all as a bulk batch. I then move to Amp Model and sort by that. Say there are several similar but not identical names for a JMP SL1959, I highlight them all and update the tag in one of them - boom now they all say JMP SL1959 and The search function is now more useful than a folder.

  • First of all I am a home player, so I have setup my Rig preferences in Performances. I have set up numerous Performances for each of my Guitars and it is here that I update and modify the Rigs. Having at least 2 performances with a mixture for each guitar and then a Fender, Vox and other performance for each guitar gives me the flexibility to annoy the neighbours using different sounds.