KPA test by FAS

  • This is exactly the kind of stuff that make me laugh soooo much... Trying to scientificaly prove that the obvious is not what you think. It's like if someone very "smart" would try to convince you, with the help of complicate graphics, that Naomi Watts is not really a beautifull woman and that your eyes betray your sense of appreciation because the reality, that you can't see, is that she is ugly. Come on! The KPA sounds good, very good and that's all what I need to know! :D


  • This really is crazy. And I honestly couldn't care less. I never owned an axe before, i bypassed that fiasco and went straight to the kemper, for good reason (atleast, for ME anyways)

    In other news, used my KPA at its first gig last night and it sounded heavenly, "aliasing" or whatever in all. Let me tell you how many remarks I got in the crowd about my aliasing in my tone. Yea, thats EXACTLY what people care about when they are drinking, having a good time, and just listening to a loud kick ass band play live...... :sleeping: ?( 8| ?( :?: :?: :?:

  • So he compares two amp sims that sound like amp sims, and one that sounds like a real amp. And the conclusion is the one that sounds like a real amp is at fault? Does anyone else have a problem with the methodology of that?

    Could someone please shove through a 10k test signal through a real SLO at gain and take the output from a hotplate (so no cab) and check what the result should be? I could be totally wrong but I'd expect to see frequency smear given that we're dealing with distortion rather than just pure compression.

    Cliff also didn't mention which firmware he's using with the KPA and to be honest the whole thing leaves a nasty taste in the mouth.

    The KPA does suffer from aliasing artifacts as has been demonstrated in the other thread, they're audible though when you shove through a test signal, no need for a graph. I hope they'll be fixed soon. But regardless of them the KPA still sounds like the source like a real amp, the aliasing sound itself is a pretty subtle sound that's easily missed (while the chart that Cliff shows tries to make it out like the aliasing is the major component of the sound, which is pretty disingenuous in itself), so while I"m glad that Cliff has done this as I hope that it'll force Christoph to fix it, it doesn't actually impact my use any, and it still just leaves a sour taste in the mouth and makes me respect Cliff less.

    Edited once, last by Per (July 23, 2012 at 12:57 AM).

  • Well, Cliff must be getting desperately desperate! :D

    I bet he is. After a pro Kemper thread, I got a private message on another forum from a Matt at Fractal asking me if I'd tried "the lastest firmware version with the tone matching." I hadn't. I haven't tried an Axe FX since a short demo of the Ultra a while ago and I was unimpressed. Nothing I've heard on their site impressed me much either, then or now. I basically told him that. They must be pissing their pants. New kid in town doing something they can't touch that's a lot cheaper. Trust me, I liked the idea and feature set of the Axe FX and I could have had either product and I chose Kemper. The thing is, I could have bought an Axe FX at any time since they came out if I really wanted one... I just never did. The truth is I don't think it's worth the money. Might as well use Amplitube.

    Edited once, last by zerocrossing (July 24, 2012 at 8:57 PM).

  • I liked this one:

    "So my "Brand D" is doing a better job than my "Brand K" because of less aliasing.
    But why to hell does "Brand D" not sound and feel as good as "Brand K"? "

    Whether it is true or not It is sad they need incur in such dubious tactics . I have to agree they seem desperate. Cliff himself even said that he is going to tone match the best KPA profiles and upload them to Axe Exchange. :S

    Btw, If hope you are able to fix the aliasing issues soon.

  • That's really BS. Cliff must be really desperate to play it like this....sorry for him... :thumbdown:

    Yeah, I just read his little rant. Sad. First of all, the issue he's talking about really effects nothing. Good guitar tone has so little audio information in that range anyway, which is why he had to disable the cab simulation to see these results. Also... who plays a modeler or profiler without a cab emulation? It would sound like crap. Guess what? Run the best guitar amp in the world into a full range PA style speaker and it'll sound like crap too. Running a 10k sine wave though a guitar amp just sounds silly. I like this comment after he posts the audio of his test:


    "Thanks, I was trying to get my dog's attention (now I can see why you're a cat guy!)."

    Of course the Axe FX fanbois won't see any of this. They've already drunk the Kool-aid. I think the only thing this can do is slow the bleeding of Axe FX users who have sold it to go Kemper. Here's the thing. The Axe FX doesn't sound bad at all. It's a great sounding box and I'm sure I could have been happy owning one, but the truth is it's way, way, way over priced. Based on how I felt about it I could see it retailing for about $1000 USD or so. I'm sure I'd already own one if it wasn't priced so damn high. Why did I eagerly drop $1850 on a Kemper? I felt it sounded worth it. 8)

  • There is a seediness to this whole thing that I think will just turn people off to FAS. Reminds me of the review from Tony McKenzie ( At the time I bought the KPA, I read his review and thought who cares about personalities. What matters is the tone. However, in retrospect and after all the good interactions on this forum, especially from CK, I think it does matter. But the KPA does win on tone anyway. Anyone who has read my posts on here knows I am in no way a fanboy and have been very critical of many things in the KPA. All the theorizing, postulating and wasted energy on TGP about something that isn't really even an issue is just sad - but that's par for the course for TGP.

    I can create a specific test in which a Toyota beats a Ferrari but tell me how many people would rather have the Toyota? (not that the difference is that wide between the boxes but you know what I mean)

  • well, didn't they offer to 'copy' the best profiles created by the Kemper?

    what does that say?

    'we can do what the other can...' but we can't offer you a way to capture it... so we'll copy it!

    ah well.. the better product always prevail! Kemper all the way!