• I did this with C# tuning trying to come up with some Ola Englund Death Metal tone. ( I guess it's more Drowning Pool metal). I really like this tuning. I can't imagine I will ever play anything with higher gain than this. I see why Per was getting some headaches. ;) I finally did some effects bypass envelopes which I have been wanting to do for a long time. I think it fit quite well with this song. I also feel like my double tracking is getting much tighter.

    I used an Epi Custom with Probuckers for one track (GB-Diesel VH4) and a Charvel with TB for the other track (LL-Lan Eye Ironic). PJ bass (Brass Driver GEQ Metal). SD3 drums.

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    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Nice job, I like the use of rhythm guitar here, you should carry it on into your other work.

    Drop C is fun but I have to admit I fought the strings being so slack really hard when I tried it, it was quite challenging on its own, I can understand why guys that go in for it get 7 or 8 string guitars so they have an instrument set up with those bigger gauge strings to counterbalance the tuning.

  • I see you're making a lot of progress ! With that levels of gain I'm afraid the guitar nuances like pickups won't make a huge difference . I still hear a kind of gated verb on the gits , to me this leads to a lack of punch or maybe a phasing issue.

  • Nice riffing BayouTexan , that gives a great flow to the song. As well as the nice dynamic changes you do there. Very good, that keeps it interesting. Songwriting stays one of the most important aspects for great sounding stuff.

    For the sound I still feel that the frequency band in your mix seems limited to me at least here on my studio monitors. And that reverb (doubler, or very short delay?) which waraba already mentioned puts the guitars in the back while the drums are rather dry and upfront. So there is a bit of glue missing for the sum of the instruments.

    But good progress compared to the first one BayouTexan. Keep them coming... practice is the only way to move forward :thumbup:8)

  • Nice job, I like the use of rhythm guitar here, you should carry it on into your other work.

    Drop C is fun but I have to admit I fought the strings being so slack really hard when I tried it, it was quite challenging on its own, I can understand why guys that go in for it get 7 or 8 string guitars so they have an instrument set up with those bigger gauge strings to counterbalance the tuning.

    Thanks Per! No string slack... I used Transpose with headphones ;). The -3 setting sounded the best (not fake) so I went with it.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

    Edited once, last by BayouTexan (November 28, 2021 at 5:16 PM).

  • Thanks waraba and deadman42! I had a light reverb effect on which I wasn't sure if I should use or not. I used two DT's for each stereo tracked guitar. I seem to have a hard time realizing how a mono signal will sound once you build up the tracks. I'm so used to playing stereo for my listening pleasure because going to mono feels so damn icky and thin. I know I am going to have to break that stereo habit though and do some basics next time.

    I also don't feel as intimidated doing mixes now as in the beginning and it is feeling more like a natural aspect of songwriting.

    Thanks dimgall! I totally agree on vocals since almost every song I write has lyrics written down for them. I just don't sing yet but singing lessons will be happening soon. I think this style of music is a little too heavy for me personally but I like to explore options because you really never know what you can excel at without trying. Per songs shows you how to be a better musician by learning many genres.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

    Edited once, last by BayouTexan (November 28, 2021 at 5:21 PM).