Will Kemper Rig Manager automatically add subfolders?

  • Hi,

    I have just bought a bunch of profiles in a pack. They come in one large folder Smith multiple subfolders. I would rather not go through the labour intensive process of creating subfolders one by one and transferring the files across. Is there a way to make the profiling software do this automatically?

    Many thanks

  • As o0NAC0o said, RM won’t create sub folders. You can create these manually but I wouldn’t bother. Unfortunately, RM can’t search on sub folders (except search ALL) which makes sub folders more of an inconvenience than a help. Say you want to search for all XYZ rigs from profile pack ABC but that pack has sub folders 1 2 &3. If you select the main profile pack folder and do a search RM will only return results from the main folder but will not find anything in subfolders 1 2 or 3. For sub folders to be useful to me they would need to work like all other computer systems and return results from everything below the current file level.

    For example with folders for each profile vendor, if want to find all Marshall JMP rigs in My Library regardless of creator I can’t do it. I need to search ALL content including Rig Exchange or only each vendor’s folder.

    As a result I recently removed ALL folders (not just sub folders ). I only have two Folders now; one for Studio and Merged Profiles and one for Direct Amp Profiles with no Cabinet so that I don’t get my head cut off when auditioning rigs. This is a better workflow for me although I would still prefer to use folders and sub folder if the search functionality worked better.