“Real cab” or Kemper Kab

  • I am just curious…

    I have a 1x12 cab with g12h30… And for what I play …mostly Marshall and Marshall style profiles

    Would there be a reason to get a Kemper Kab… I don’t think I would really feel the need to “switch” imprints…

    For what it’s is worth I use a stage and have the Duncan 170 for power…I also have an Atomic CLR

    For the FRFR

    Edited once, last by Ccunningham99 (November 1, 2021 at 5:51 PM).

  • Hi there Ccunningham99.

    For context:

    When I play live, I run through my PA for FOH and monitor. So basically - FRFR. I rehearse that way too.

    Until recently, when I wanted the amp in the room thing I would run a couple of Class D amps to a pair of EV M-12G guitar monitors. That was fun and it sounded great, but since I wouldn't do it live, I didn't do this very often.

    My most recent acquisition was a PowerRack with Kemper Kabinet. Less than a rational decision, this was occasioned by a happy coincidence of opportunity, curiosity, cabin fever, FOMO, and boredom.

    It's been interesting to have the first-hand experience of the speaker imprints. At least I know what everyone is talking about = no mo FOMO.

    For me, a big part of the Kemper PROFILER experience was to explore the mindset of other guitarists. When I first looked at the concept of profiling, it was intriguing to think I could play other peoples' rigs (their amps with their settings through their cabinets and mics). I mean - it was an amazing concept - and Rig Exchange was a huge factor in my decision to dive in seven years ago. That was all about curiosity.

    Seriously though, I was happy with my FRFR experience. I had an amp in the room setup if I wanted to explore it. The speaker imprints are cool. Once in a while, I spin through them 'til I hit something that feels right in the moment. Then I forget about it for hours or days until I remember that I have the option.

    I don't regret getting the Kemper Kabinet. But at the same time, I doubt if I am the target market for it. I don't spend much time chasing tone.

  • I have the Powerhead and also use Marshall and Marshall style profiles for practice, rehearsals and live shows. I find the best results when it comes to cab options is to use a real cabinet. I use a 2x12 with v30s, a 2x12 with G12T75s and a 4x12 with G12T75s. I have dabbled with FRFR but the real cab is best for me. I also use a Celestion f12-x200 1x12 for FRFR when I want to use profiles with their cabs.

  • Rather than buy something you would like, I think it's better to buy what you need right now. I kind of moved to this philosophy recently. If you don't feel the necessity to get a Kabinet right now then hold off a while until you can afford to splurge.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • I generally run my power head through a 4x12 with greenbacks. Using the same cab and speakers provides a consistency of sound and minimizes the amount of adjustment needed at the front of house. For recording, I would be more likely to use different IRs and a Kab.

  • I have the Powerhead and also use Marshall and Marshall style profiles for practice, rehearsals and live shows. I find the best results when it comes to cab options is to use a real cabinet. I use a 2x12 with v30s, a 2x12 with G12T75s and a 4x12 with G12T75s. I have dabbled with FRFR but the real cab is best for me. I also use a Celestion f12-x200 1x12 for FRFR when I want to use profiles with their cabs.

    So do you dial in the profiles with the frfr for the FOH …and then use the cab for you?

  • I am just curious…

    I have a 1x12 cab with g12h30… And for what I play …mostly Marshall and Marshall style profiles

    Would there be a reason to get a Kemper Kab… I don’t think I would really feel the need to “switch” imprints…

    For what it’s is worth I use a stage and have the Duncan 170 for power…I also have an Atomic CLR

    For the FRFR

    Having run a real cab, then FRFR and now Kabinet.....Kabinet every time - in fact I bought 2...

    Why? I NEVER switch imprints, and stay on the same imprint all the time. So why change? For me, the sound is clearer and more precise. Truly the benefit of FRFR but maintaining the realism of a real guitar cab. Guitar cabs to me have such a massive sound coloration that many rigs sound the same etc.

    Also is very light and small but thumps the sound out.

    ....but, it is different and not everyone loves it.