OS 8.6.2 Public Beta - Profiler(s) freeze after a few hours

  • Hi.

    Yesterday I installed Rig Manager Version

    and using that I installed OS on two Profilers (unpowered Head and PowerRack)

    I noticed that both Profilers left in Browse Mode will freeze up* after a couple of hours, left unattended. This has happened in as little as two hours but earlier today, both were fine for four hours. If it matters, they are both connected via USB to the same PC running Rig Manager.

    I haven't been able to actively play either Profiler for very long (removing from a hand injury), so I can't tell if the units will freeze up if actively in use.

    * freeze up = unresponsive. If I turn the chicken head knob from Browse to Perform, nothing happens at first. Then the Remote reboots, but finally I have to turn the chicken head knob off and back to Browse to get things working again.

    Has anybody else noticed this?

    I have reported this to Kemper Support with a link back to this discussion.

  • I need to check for sure what OS I'm running, but this has happened to me at least a few times, luckily just at home practicing. I was going to post a thread about it too, but I forgot.

    It has also happened to me in previous OS, not sure which one, I've always had freezing issues. It sucks because it's literally the only thing wrong with the Kemper. To me one of the biggest upsides of the Kemper is how useful it is in a live setting, but if it freezes during a performance, then you would have been better off with a tube amp. It's not like it happens all the time, but it pisses me off when I I playing and then I go to switch profiles or switch to performance mode and the screen just doesn't move. And then you go to turn it off and the screen still doesn't change, it just turns off suddenly. And this is not new on this OS. It's happened to me on like every OS, not frequently but it does happen. It shouldn't ever happen

  • Freezing issues have been related to being connected to Rig Manager and the computer’s sleep function kicking in in the past. They should have been fixed some firmwares ago, around the introduction of 5, if I recall correctly. For the record, I’ve had those issues in earlier builds of RM, but not for a good long while and never when using the Profiler stand alone. Take a note of what Rig you are on next time it happens and send a report to support.

  • Hi sambrox

    Thanks for your insights and ideas.

    I've already reported the issue to Kemper Support. I've had the RigManager connected to both Profilers with the previous version of the beta. This problem arose after installing Rig Manager Version and OS

    I had my PC set to sleep after one hour. The freeze-ups have tended to happen after two hours or longer. Just in case the issue is related to the computer going to sleep - I have disabled that for now.

  • Hi sambrox

    Freezing issues have been related to being connected to Rig Manager and the computer’s sleep function kicking in in the past. They should have been fixed some firmwares ago, around the introduction of 5, if I recall correctly. For the record, I’ve had those issues in earlier builds of RM, but not for a good long while and never when using the Profiler stand alone. Take a note of what Rig you are on next time it happens and send a report to support.

    I think you've nailed it.

    I set my Windows PC so it never sleeps and neither Profiler froze up.

    I then manually put the PC to sleep and both Profilers froze up within 5 minutes. I've repeated this three times now. I'll send a note to Kemper Support about this.

    For anybody reading along - if you have PC or Mac running Rig Manager connected to your Profiler - try putting the computer to sleep and check your Profiler a few minutes later.

    Can you still switch from Browse to Performance mode?

    Does the Remote still work?

    Do you have to reboot the Profiler to make it work again?

    Kemper Profiling Amplifier (unpowered) [2014], Remote [2016], Stage [2020], PowerRack, Remote & Kab[2021]
    Twitter | LinkedIn | My Blog | My Kemper Notes

    Edited once, last by ST (October 11, 2021 at 8:19 PM).

  • I've now heard from Kemper Support and I'll provide an update when there's more to tell.

    In the meantime

    I installed the production version of the OS

    OS 8.6.2 now available as release revision

    The Profilers lock up when the computer goes to sleep, so I don't think the problem is related to the beta.

    OS Windows 10 Version 21H1 (OS Build 19043.1266)