I am not sure I am a fan of Kemper any more

  • Seems like there are no more updates or communication relative to improving feature sets for Kemper i.e performance mode! . Yea sure got the latest beta download - actually made my rigs sound worse IMHO. TO me this seems like a very expensive passing "FAD" - I now wish I would have spent the money and purchased an new Trans-Atlantic or similar amp - its been months since many of us have requested improvements or a f***ing simple Computer interface to help with manage patch controls - but no they cannot even produce that! . I do not think Kemper has the ability to deliver customer requests in a timely fashion and thus I am going to put my system up for sale - this really sucks! I really thought these guys had the answer but instead they are just another company looking a some big wig company to give them a bizzilon dollars to buy out!!!! I have been monitoring for more than 4 months and I have have seen zero - zip nothing!!!! w/r/t the solving the issues many of us have!!!!

    why no performance mode why no interface why no reasonable answers Kemper - forget for one moment that you are in Germany and focus on the fact that this is a global effort - can you do that?!!! :cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing:

  • I think alot of us are upset about the editor, performance mode, etc, however its only been in the states for 6 months. When I got my Kemper in Feb. it was on Ver. 1.4. We're on 1.10 and there has been an amp pack release as well as some new effects added. Ive been pretty adamant about wanting a way to manage profiles along with many others, but I wouldnt give up my Kemper because of that. Are you not liking the tones that you are getting? Or are you just frustrated with things not being available yet? I understand the frustration, honestly I do. But if youre digging the tones, why not just wait it out a little longer. It is still a new product. Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best!

  • There hasn't been any change in the sound to the Kemper amp block since release, so if you hear anything that sounds worse I'm afraid it's either in your head or in your settings, the only major change has been to the noise gate (which is for the better) and latency (which is lower and therefore better, but only affects feel rather than sound), the stomp models were also "improved" in the last firmware, but apart from some less aliasing artifacts and a little less background noise I can't hear a difference there. With regards the Performance mode well yes that's taking a long time, as for the editor, well to be fair that was never promised it's just our wishful thinking. There have been plenty of updates, and while i'd prefer it if they went back to the old 2 weeks schedule and left the alpha and beta testing to the more technically adventurous amongst us I can understand why they're keen to make things as idiot proof as possible before unleashing it on the general public in order to avoid people screwing up their KPA's en masse.

    So that really only leaves you with performance mode as a valid complaint (in my opinion), but is that such a huge deal to you? What would it do that you can't do right now with midi?

  • A good piece of advice I received recently is that you should buy a product for what it is, not what it will be.

    That said, I bought one of the original Virus synthesizers many years ago. It was a great instrument out of the box and I was happy with it. However once every 6 months our so Access would provide a free update and my great instrument would get better -- more polyphony, better effects, a vocoder, etc. -- and to this day I still use free features of the Virus updates that didn't pay for and didn't expect to have.

    My KPA is great as it is. I have a set of a dozen rigs that together largely replace three amps (along with a bevy of stomps). More than that, it's not the three amps that the modeler happened to go a good job on, its the three amps that I really care about and all the control I would have over those amps I have on the front panel of the Kemper with no need for rig management or a computer based editor. Sure there are lots of features that would be nice, but fundamentally the KPA does the job I hired it to do at half the cost of the gear it replaces.

    Kemper earned a lot of goodwill from me with the Virus and I am sure I will be delighted with the new OS releases over the next few years (my Virus on OS 4.5 and my KPA is only on OS 1.1). However if there is never another update for my KPA I will still have gotten a good value for my money.

  • It's the new way of doing business - release half baked buggy products and fix things as you go along. So many companies just don't seem to care about their brand reputation anymore. :thumbdown:

    We're partly to blame by buying into it.

  • Again, computer editor was never announced nor committed to. Has never been part of what you purchased. If it comes is welcome, but not due.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Again, computer editor was never announced nor committed to. Has never been part of what you purchased. If it comes is welcome, but not due.


    A computer editor would be no problem with the NRPN controls - I could create a simple one in few days - but a rig management tool would be nice, but there are some interesting ideas from Kemper regarding that!

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • actually made my rigs sound worse

    The latest FW optimize the monitor out for use with power amp and cab (with "no cab" option) and has a new EQ on it. If you're using your KPA like this, check the EQ options from the Output menu

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • i think it's pathetic how some people believe a company owes them something by buying their product. i know it's a blunt statement, but it's how i feel about it. the 'beta' state of the kemper was made clear since the beginning.

    also, i can't remember or find any 'promises' or 'release dates' made for the named features that were not met, that you could use to base your arguments/rant.

    if you're not happy with it, then simply sell it.

  • Seems like there are no more updates or communication relative to improving feature sets for Kemper i.e performance mode! . Yea sure got the latest beta download - actually made my rigs sound worse IMHO. TO me this seems like a very expensive passing "FAD" - I now wish I would have spent the money and purchased an new Trans-Atlantic or similar amp - its been months since many of us have requested improvements or a f***ing simple Computer interface to help with manage patch controls - but no they cannot even produce that! . I do not think Kemper has the ability to deliver customer requests in a timely fashion and thus I am going to put my system up for sale - this really sucks! I really thought these guys had the answer but instead they are just another company looking a some big wig company to give them a bizzilon dollars to buy out!!!! I have been monitoring for more than 4 months and I have have seen zero - zip nothing!!!! w/r/t the solving the issues many of us have!!!!

    why no performance mode why no interface why no reasonable answers Kemper - forget for one moment that you are in Germany and focus on the fact that this is a global effort - can you do that?!!! :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing:

    I only wonder what exactly is the purpose of your post?
    Do you have a problem you want to get fixed? - Apperently no.
    Do you want to adress the manufacturer directly to tell them what you don't like? - No.
    Do you you want to improve the unit by discussing things that aren't good? - No
    Do you want to offer to sell your unit to anybody here? - No

    I'm all for criticism but you are just whining, sorry.

  • I am Hardly childish folks, as you imply! save that line for kids who buy Line 6 crap...I am quite frustrated and this is a great place to vent! besides being called childish - I have actually seen a number of responses from equally frustrated individuals. When you say the manufacturer does not owe me (or you) anything and has never made promises! that's a load of crap IMHO - I, just like you I suspect, paid a BUTT load of cash for this device - they have been promising performance mode from day one - hell there is even a switch on the box for it - yet every rev of FW does not address it. As for an editor - someone said they could code it in a few minutes - please do - if you are going to put out a "software" based device then in my simple thinking, an editor should be a no brainier - even TC Electronics and Axxe have editors - makes life so much simpler.

    My comment about "being in Germany" was only to say - non-USA - agree bad choice of words on my part did not mean to offed truly sorry about that - I love Germany - lived there for better part of 10 years - non-military related :)

    As for making my Kemper sound worse - hmmm... I noticed with new release - it sounds very different - not always better - I am hearing "digital artifacts" and I can't hear anymore - so if I am hearing it then its gotta be there! I really dig the Uwe Vox amps - but after I upgraded to new FW - it sounds harsh and digital :cursing: