"Mix" for distortion-stomps

  • Does anybody of you own a distortion stomp with a mix control?

    Hi Mrs Kemper,

    no, I use no external stompbox and had been a Boss GT-8 in front of my tube amp. There, the balance DirectSound / Distortion pedal was possible.
    Besides, I think it's absolute class, what options do we have to get with the KPA - Many thanks to you and your team for the great innovative idea, implementation and continuous development!.
    That's why I think why we should not give up the KAP this possibility (Distortion Mix), which does not exist with external stompboxes - Kemper is just simply a step further;-)

  • Ar you aware of the Direct Mix in the Amp section?

    Huge +1. The drive of pretty much any profile I've tried sounds better than a clean profile with an emulated stomp. The only exception being using boosts, especially the treble boost, but even then if I want more gain I'm way more likely to just turn up the gain rather than add a stomp. I use the direct mix in profiles a bunch for what it seems like folks are asking for. But people get used to doing things a certain way and those habits carry from the real into the virtual world...

  • Huge +1. The drive of pretty much any profile I've tried sounds better than a clean profile with an emulated stomp. The only exception being using boosts, especially the treble boost, but even then if I want more gain I'm way more likely to just turn up the gain rather than add a stomp. I use the direct mix in profiles a bunch for what it seems like folks are asking for. But people get used to doing things a certain way and those habits carry from the real into the virtual world...

    Sounds like another good thing to try out.

  • Does anybody of you own a distortion stomp with a mix control?

    The ducking parameters you've implemented to some of the effects and stomps are as unusual as the mix knob on a distortion unit. Sure it's something that occures rather in the recording world but none the less it would be a very powerfull parameter.

    I think the DAW Reaper has for every effect (stock effects) a mix button. Wish this would go for any fx unit. No matter if DAW or guitar pedal.

    At least you might wanna consider it for the recti shaper. It's such an awesome effect but sometimes it's just too much and turning back the drive is also not always the solution, that's when a mix button comes in handy. ;)

  • The ducking parameters you've implemented to some of the effects and stomps are as unusual as the mix knob on a distortion unit. Sure it's something that occures rather in the recording world but none the less it would be a very powerfull parameter.

    I think the DAW Reaper has for every effect (stock effects) a mix button. Wish this would go for any fx unit. No matter if DAW or guitar pedal.

    At least you might wanna consider it for the recti shaper. It's such an awesome effect but sometimes it's just too much and turning back the drive is also not always the solution, that's when a mix button comes in handy. ;)

    These three have a Mix control:
    Palmer PEOD, T-REX Moller, Voodo Labs Sparkle Drive. I love the last one.

    The Direct Mix is an awesome feature, but it mixes a dry guitar with the distorted amp signal. Doing it in a stomp, the distorted and dry guitar signal will pass then through the amp so you get something different.

  • The ducking parameters you've implemented to some of the effects and stomps are as unusual as the mix knob on a distortion unit. Sure it's something that occures rather in the recording world but none the less it would be a very powerfull parameter.

    I think the DAW Reaper has for every effect (stock effects) a mix button. Wish this would go for any fx unit. No matter if DAW or guitar pedal.

    At least you might wanna consider it for the recti shaper. It's such an awesome effect but sometimes it's just too much and turning back the drive is also not always the solution, that's when a mix button comes in handy. ;)

    Very good post and a very good example for how a mix control can be useful.
    E.g. for mixing in the nastiness of the more placative FX to an otherwise more pleasant signal.

  • Have you tried to use equalizers as booster pedals yet?
    Or do you use distortion pedals as the main distortion in front of a clean amp?

    Thanks again CK!

    Yes to the eqs, not the same character is achieved though
    Dist/Drives in front of gainy amp profiles actually, as another gain stage with different character and tone shaping device...
    Ala 90% of what Andy Sneap records for example

    Spotify, iTunes, Bandcamp, etc... Lugosi Smile

  • What Lance-a-not said and using a booster or an eq is a different approach to define your sound than getting the sweet spot with a mix knob. Like I said especially for the shaper effects you've created. I really like them a lot but it's often hard to get them to sound right without the possibility to determine how much of the effect you want to have.

    In a perfect world everything would have a mix knob! :D