• After almost 2 years of having my Kemper and be extremely happy with it, here are the things I would like to see in future updates :

    1)Tuner at the rig manager

    2)More options on the micropitch effect

    3)"stronger" chorus effect. You have to put 2 choruses for a rich sound

    4)bbe sonic maximizer-like efffect

    5)a richer pitch block

    6)ability to implement a drive/boost effect on the amp block so we can have an effect block free

    7)save effect presets from the rig manager

    8)IF possible, having 2 effects on the same block at the same time

  • 8) is possible yet. Look at Main Manual page 289:

    "Assigning a Second Effect Module

    To add a second assignment to the same Effect Button, just repeat the process with another effect module. You will notice the right LEDs by the Effect Button indicate both the effect category and on/off state of your second assignment. Now, you can activate or bypass both effects by stepping on the button on your PROFILER Remote."

  • 8) is possible yet. Look at Main Manual page 289:

    "Assigning a Second Effect Module

    To add a second assignment to the same Effect Button, just repeat the process with another effect module. You will notice the right LEDs by the Effect Button indicate both the effect category and on/off state of your second assignment. Now, you can activate or bypass both effects by stepping on the button on your PROFILER Remote."

    This is about switching on or off , two effects at the same time from the remote only

  • But is it possible to use the loop and have two hw pedals at the same time? In that case you get at least one more than 4 as it is now.

    True. To be honest, I personally can’t imagine a scenario whereI would need more than the 8 slots currently available (although the ability to change how many are before/after the Stack would be nice) but I suppose some folks must need it ??‍♂️

  • True. To be honest, I personally can’t imagine a scenario whereI would need more than the 8 slots currently available (although the ability to change how many are before/after the Stack would be nice) but I suppose some folks must need it ??‍♂️

    Me neither but each to his own. For me it's enough with a od and delay 99% of the time.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • My additions:

    1. PoE onboard
    2. Second Morph + separate morph for gain + separate morph for volume
    3. Automatic assigning of a fixed effect to an effect button no matter where it is in the effect slots (eg right effect button always for pitch, left effect button always for delay, …). Best would be a kind of „Live Mode“ where we are able to select general effect presets that will be added to a profile in the „Live Mode“ (kind of locking feature but with the opportunity to program and save those pedal board presets and apply them as wanted).
    4. The possibility to plug in my guitar into the remote (not a big fan of wireless systems but I love to have only one cable on stage). Anyway I would not mind a wireless Receiver being built in the Kemper.
    5. Bar-based Looper with longer recording periods and the ability to safe samples (for recording purposes of ideas that come up with certain profiles).
    6. Better effect-types and -settings regarding Flanger, Chorus, Tremolo and Phaser. Also consider more trigger options like pitch based altering and activations of effects (LFO, …).
    7. Input/Output:
      - Powercon
      - Ethercon right at the KPA
    8. Multi-Gain-Profiling (eg. having the possibility to „store“ different gain stages of the amp to reflect a more natural sound experience when altering the profile)
    9. A kind of adaption of my pickups to better fit the pickups used by the profilers. Oftentimes the sound is so different from any sound sample.
  • My additions:

    1. PoE onboard
    2. Second Morph + separate morph for gain + separate morph for volume
    3. Automatic assigning of a fixed effect to an effect button no matter where it is in the effect slots (eg right effect button always for pitch, left effect button always for delay, …). Best would be a kind of „Live Mode“ where we are able to select general effect presets that will be added to a profile in the „Live Mode“ (kind of locking feature but with the opportunity to program and save those pedal board presets and apply them as wanted).
    4. The possibility to plug in my guitar into the remote (not a big fan of wireless systems but I love to have only one cable on stage). Anyway I would not mind a wireless Receiver being built in the Kemper.
    5. Bar-based Looper with longer recording periods and the ability to safe samples (for recording purposes of ideas that come up with certain profiles).
    6. Better effect-types and -settings regarding Flanger, Chorus, Tremolo and Phaser. Also consider more trigger options like pitch based altering and activations of effects (LFO, …).
    7. Input/Output:
      - Powercon
      - Ethercon right at the KPA
    8. Multi-Gain-Profiling (eg. having the possibility to „store“ different gain stages of the amp to reflect a more natural sound experience when altering the profile)
    9. A kind of adaption of my pickups to better fit the pickups used by the profilers. Oftentimes the sound is so different from any sound sample.

    About the 9. . That's the idea! Every profile will sound different with different pickups etc The kemper responds like a regular amp.

  • My additions:

    1. PoE onboard
    2. Second Morph + separate morph for gain + separate morph for volume
    3. Automatic assigning of a fixed effect to an effect button no matter where it is in the effect slots (eg right effect button always for pitch, left effect button always for delay, …). Best would be a kind of „Live Mode“ where we are able to select general effect presets that will be added to a profile in the „Live Mode“ (kind of locking feature but with the opportunity to program and save those pedal board presets and apply them as wanted).
    4. The possibility to plug in my guitar into the remote (not a big fan of wireless systems but I love to have only one cable on stage). Anyway I would not mind a wireless Receiver being built in the Kemper.
    5. Bar-based Looper with longer recording periods and the ability to safe samples (for recording purposes of ideas that come up with certain profiles).
    6. Better effect-types and -settings regarding Flanger, Chorus, Tremolo and Phaser. Also consider more trigger options like pitch based altering and activations of effects (LFO, …).
    7. Input/Output:
      - Powercon
      - Ethercon right at the KPA
    8. Multi-Gain-Profiling (eg. having the possibility to „store“ different gain stages of the amp to reflect a more natural sound experience when altering the profile)
    9. A kind of adaption of my pickups to better fit the pickups used by the profilers. Oftentimes the sound is so different from any sound sample.

    1 - would need new hardware I think

    2 - YES Please !

    3 - I would love something similar too.

    4 - would definitely need new hardware as there is no audio capability in the Remote at the moment.

    5 - Not something that interests me personally but I can definitely see how it could be useful for some people.

    6 - I wouldn’t be surprised if this is already on the development radar given the Reverb, Delay, Overdrive, Fuzz updates. If it is, I a, sure Kemper will come out with something truly amazing with more than a few surprises.

    7 - don’t even understand. Filed under way too technical for my simple brain ?

    8 - I like this in principle but can’t imagine how it would work in practice. But maybe CK can.

    9 - I see that as a positive not something that needs to be fixed. The same would be true of a real valve amp. Why bother with different guitars if the amp makes them all sound the same.

  • ad 8: I thought maybe the Expression Pedal Inputs might be usable with minor tweaks! If not I would even buy a new remote if possible. But not sure if audio can be transferred by a network cable.

    ad 9: I meant a PU that can simulate the most popular ones on the market. Oftentimes I would love to have different PUs but way too lazy and stingy to go for new ones or use another guitar as I love to play my favorite one (the neck is my love). With this said a PU that is able to mimic an EMG81, a Seymour Duncan JB and with the next song a Vintage Single Coil for Strat sound would be awesome. So not an EQ to make everything sound the same rather an option to have more flexibility in sound but again not directly at the guitar itself but with a tip on a switch … but not sure if possible. So if wanted a certain PU can always give texture to a profile.

  • I don't think a kempers cpu is big enough to make something like a pickup simulator. If that is what you want there are a few pedals like that but they are limited to a handful of pickups though.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • I don't think a kempers cpu is big enough to make something like a pickup simulator. If that is what you want there are a few pedals like that but they are limited to a handful of pickups though.

    Maybe an active PU would help. Therefore not all cpu must be used by the KPA. But I am whether an electric engineer nor an expert in PUs so just requesting wishes from a players perspective.

  • P.S. And yes some wishes need hardware upgrades but as Kemper has its own production and repair centre why not establish an upgrade center for those willing to pay for pro upgrades? In US British Audio already offers Stereo Mods and Ethercon mods (too far away from Germany). I would pay for an PoE/Ethercon, the remote as a guitar cable mod as well as the Kemper Pickups. It is like Apple one enclosed perfect eco-system.

  • Maybe an active PU would help. Therefore not all cpu must be used by the KPA. But I am whether an electric engineer nor an expert in PUs so just requesting wishes from a players perspective.

    I don't think most guitarists are willing to swap out their pickups for an active pickup simulating other pickups. Kemper is a small company and it will take time from the rest. It will cost and probably would need to hire more staff. And what if it wouldn't be a succé? You always run that risk when doing something new. Would it even be worth the risk to start with? Anyway I belive that's something fora pickup co. Still none of them have even tried doing it. Why? Probably becuase there are very few interested.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • While I agree with many of the requests, no one is interested in a Synth slot module? The one in the Fractal units is amazing and allows to play fantastic mono synth lines, with the largue expertise of Kemper company in synths it could be stelar, maybe even polyphonic.

    Also I would add more routing options, as the actual system is to much closed.

  • While I agree with many of the requests, no one is interested in a Synth slot module? The one in the Fractal units is amazing and allows to play fantastic mono synth lines, with the largue expertise of Kemper company in synths it could be stelar, maybe even polyphonic.

    Also I would add more routing options, as the actual system is to much closed.

    this has been requested several times n other threads. If the KPA has the processing power to do it I would think it might come along one day.

  • Maybe an active PU would help. Therefore not all cpu must be used by the KPA. But I am whether an electric engineer nor an expert in PUs so just requesting wishes from a players perspective.

    This actually sounds like the Line6 Variax to me.

    It's an interesting concept, but I wonder if the results would be satisfying? I think for it to be fully realized then you'd end up with a pickup version of a Kemper, emulating Strat/Tele/P90 single coils, dozens of humbucker types, vintage vs modern specs, over/underwound coils...not to mention bass pickups, pedal steel/hawaiian guitar pickups, foil pickups...quite the rabbit hole to go down!