The Kemper Foot Controller: Evolution

  • ...So, you must pay for a new footcontroler(who work with kemper only), take one or two "volume pedals", spend your time to take all this things with their cables to make the same than the chiepest footcontroler (berhinger)...


    Wow, with this, you can control stomp... Ok, but you can use a rig with no stomp and next, a rig with stomp...(the kemper has more memories than we need...)

    This footcontroler is good for a "newbie" with the kemper but we can all make what it do with our old gear...

    Sorry for my english

    Wow, what an attitude!
    Maybe in this case it's a language barrier, but sometimes the negativity I perceive with posts like this one is on the edge of bearable really.

  • Here's a post that will give you many answer's about there intent with the foot controller.

    " Our objective is to offer maximum flexibility, so that users can select the solution that best fits their needs. For example, some users want to integrate the Kemper Profiler into a bigger MIDI environment, and therefore have very specific requirements. Consequently, we have been in touch with multiple footcontroller manufacturers, and have been cooperating with them during the development of their Kemper Profiler adaptations. "</a>?

  • Here's a post that will give you many answer's about there intent with the foot controller.

    " Our objective is to offer maximum flexibility, so that users can select the solution that best fits their needs. For example, some users want to integrate the Kemper Profiler into a bigger MIDI environment, and therefore have very specific requirements. Consequently, we have been in touch with multiple footcontroller manufacturers, and have been cooperating with them during the development of their Kemper Profiler adaptations. "</a>?

    This tells me (as it did when I first read that update) that they, quite sensibly, have chosen not to make the Kemper Remote do everything anybody could ever want, but instead to ensure the availability of different alternatives for different needs in the form of 3rd party devices.

    In fact, the Kemper Remote (as it is now known), which was very far from completion at the time, is not mentioned at all in the quoted text, so if anything it could be taken as an indication of what isn't their intent with their own controller. Maybe the reason they've helped other manufacturers create dedicated Kemper hardware for those users who "want to integrate the Kemper Profiler into a bigger MIDI environment" is that the Remote is not aimed at that kind of setup?

  • Wow, what an attitude!
    Maybe in this case it's a language barrier, but sometimes the negativity I perceive with posts like this one is on the edge of bearable really.

    i think i m the only one to remember what people sayed about line6 and their products : must have line6 footcontroler to play with a 100% accurate line6 amp. Everybody were screaming "it s a shame, it s not for the musical love, just to make business"... In 1999...

    For me, make a footcontroler who is the only one solution to activate the looper (for exemple) is like sold a car with only 3 wheels (you have the 4th for extra money).
    very bad point for kemper!

    The kpa is the master of flexibility but à footcontroler without midi integration is the opposite of flexibility:
    Imagine you have the kpa (for live)and his footcontroler, but it don't work with you real amp (with midi) ( for the repeat ), so you take a second footcontroler for your amp...
    For me, it s not a exemple of flexibility.

    Sorry but what i think, and sorry if i m the only one who try to say it.

    You can make the same with all midi controlers except using the looper.

    This footcontroler is good for someone who don't have a midi controler but for us, it s just spend money for something that we already have.
    Thinks about it...

  • Exactly, so go and spend your money on a Mastermind or a Liquidfoot and stop the bad talk about something that is not of your liking and that you don’t even have. And you are not the only one “how are trying to say it” it’s just that your arguments are quite poor. Sorry about my poor English too.

  • 100% agree!!!
    But but here, everybody scream "splendid"...

    Why is that a problem for you? It seems that you're assuming everyone here is either dumb or a newbie.

    I am genuinely excited about the Kemper Remote, and I have been playing guitar for 30 years and have used foot controllers from Roland, Line 6, Marshall, ADA and currently use a Ground Control Pro, so I know what I like and what I don't.

    Stop trying to impose your opinion as truth. People usually don't take kindly to that.

  • "Stop trying to impose your opinion as truth. People usually don't take kindly to that."

    ... So... Must be agree with everyone or just shut up? Sorry, i just see "forum" above this page....

    Dumb???? I never say that!

    My, problem is just that if many people say "it s the ultima gear", the newbies (people who begin with this kind of gear... ) cannot see the good and bad points of this footcontroler but only the good points (just because they don't know what you can do with other gear).

    For the "sorry for my english", it s because i m french, i understand very well but write is not easy.

    A liquid pro is very expensive, see my profil picture, i use a old boss gt3 to control the kpa... And it works very well.

    Damian, i see that. But i thinks that it was Paul who saying that you can't control this with other footcontrolers.

    I m just trying to explain why this footcontroler is not perfect. Sorry if i cannot do this here and don't follow the opinion that you are trying to impose too.

  • I m just trying to explain why this footcontroler is not perfect. Sorry if i cannot do this here and don't follow the opinion that you are trying to impose too.

    I think the issue is that you come across sounding as though because the Remote isn't exactly what you want, then it must be a terrible piece of gear. When you mean to say "It's not right for my needs".

  • I think the issue is that you come across sounding as though because the Remote isn't exactly what you want, then it must be a terrible piece of gear. When you mean to say "It's not right for my needs".

    Exactly. And the claimed lack of midi functionality is pure speculation as long as we don't know if the profiler's midi out will allow for the control of external midi gear or not.
    I for one appreciate the non- primary-- midi conception of the remote the same as I did with the Line 6 controllers.
    It's a different target.

  • Problem: You don't like the KFC for whatever reason.
    Solution: Just don't buy it?

    Guys really - it isn't as if there are 83294723 other footcontrollers on the market. I will buy the KFC altough I have the FBV SHortboard with a adapter and the Uno4KPA FCB which works great simply because the FCB is overkill for me (the pedals suck anyways).
    Why will I buy it?
    1) Simplicity of use
    2) Support Kemper
    3) It looks killer :D
    4) 1 cable
    5) ???
    6) profit

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • I'll make another prediction. You will be able to send midi commands using the KFC, which will route to the midi output and throughput on the Kemper.

    Everybody happy? ^^

    warlus1, don't jump the gun, man. I guarantee that the Remote will allow you to control other midi gear. While I agree with the point of view that someone might be unhappy about certain features, until we know what the features are, be patient.

    And then, we can both scream our heads off :D

  • :D
    I don't jump the gun (i m a cool man, trust me)

    It s just that it s not the perfect controler for the kpa (who is perfect)

    I hope that it work with midi.
    (I hope that the looper could be controled with all midi footcontroler.)
    And i hope an mk2 with volume and wha pedals (for a real 1 cable solution)
    => perfect controler for everyone.

    It s not a "one câble solution" if you want to use volume or wha (3 cables)...

    And even the mk2 would be not for me because i can do this with my gear.

  • There are two sides of the coin here though. How many foot controllers would you attach to the Remote if you could? The way it is currently designed, depending on the gig, you could carry one or two pedals, or even a board with six expression pedals attached to it. Or even no expression pedals. Or perhaps even more stomps with a stomp switch. The control possibilities look really bright as a result of this design. If you look at something like the Axe MFC, I believe it too does not have an expression pedal, because a modular approach is actually more preferable. This way, you can pair exactly the expression pedal you like -- feel, construction, throw -- with the Kemper.

    I am pretty confident that the looper will also be able to be accessed from a normal midi controller. because that is the way Kemper Amps initially introduced it, i.e. there will be a looper feature available. I hope I didn't get the context in which it was said the wrong way. Of course, we might not get all the features of the full-fledged looper on the Remote, which has buttons for start/stop, erase, etc, which are really handy. But till I can get the Remote, I would be satisfied if I could just send a CC number to turn on or off a loop. I believe one user accidentally accessed this feature sometime ago, so again, very confident that Kemper Amps will take care of its entire userbase.

    As far as perfect, I'm sure this will be miles ahead of other offerings on the market in terms of convenience with respect to controlling the Kemper. Don't worry about it, if it's not for you, it's not for you. The guys are just being the guys, we are the Kemper fanclub and we really like the direction this is taking ^^

    As far as midi controllability, taking bets, guys, taking bets. I have a pretty good track record on this thread haha :D