The Kemper Foot Controller: Evolution

  • +1! Agree completely, this is a very valid request and overdue! I would love to know these as well!

    Duesenberg CC Fullerton, Heritage H535, Guild Starfire 4 ST, Fender American Standard Strat and Tele, Taylor 816CE, Fender Precision bass, Suhr Badger 35 Amp Head, 1x12 cab w/Scumback M75, 1x12 cab w/Celestion G12m-65 Creamback, Fractal Audio Systems AX8, 2 DXR10's, Kemper Profling Amp, Presonus Studio One 3 Pro, Focusrite Clarett 8Pre, Vox AC15, Vox NT G2 and more pedals than I should own.

  • I'm actually weighing up whether to sell up the KPA and go to the axe.

    Not just trying to rock the boat. When I bought my KPA down here in New Zealand about 2 years ago I bought the toaster version as that was all that was available here at the time. Didn't wanna wait any longer. I tried the axe and I really liked them both but the KPA was about $1000 cheaper, no brainer.

    Well since then the axe price has come right down, I like the rack option, I can get a dedicated foot controller and an editor for my mac. Haven't even heard when the KFC will be done, what it will cost, let alone get to my country. I know I sound like I'm whinging, and yeah I am a bit. My FCB does alright I guess but its meant to be a temporary fix.

    Rant over.

  • Not only this, the KFC will be the solution for all problems present and in the future.
    Promised. :D

    Not only this, the KFC will be the solution for all problems present and in the future.
    Promised. :D

    Such sarcasm. Seriously, these are valid questions and it would be nice to get an update. A FC dedicated and designed for the KPA would be huge.

    Duesenberg CC Fullerton, Heritage H535, Guild Starfire 4 ST, Fender American Standard Strat and Tele, Taylor 816CE, Fender Precision bass, Suhr Badger 35 Amp Head, 1x12 cab w/Scumback M75, 1x12 cab w/Celestion G12m-65 Creamback, Fractal Audio Systems AX8, 2 DXR10's, Kemper Profling Amp, Presonus Studio One 3 Pro, Focusrite Clarett 8Pre, Vox AC15, Vox NT G2 and more pedals than I should own.

  • I was not being sarcastic and said above that questions regarding the KFC are all valid. Read above.
    I'm all for some information myself.
    I just wanted to take the dramatic element out of the discussion.
    It is sad that some people even cannot take this without feeling offended.

  • +1 Agreed, just to know the status would be great. It would really help to decide whether to wait for the KFC or move on to another option!!

  • Regarding the huge amount of replies, ideas and proposals of this great forum concerning the KFC is maby a bit scary for the devellopers. I would'nt dare at least to decide nor the size nor the design of the KFC-prototype when I see the contradictory recommendations of our community in this threat and the complaints to be awaited after release.

    As a user who encourage the Kemper-team to come out with the first Prototype very soon, I ensure that I also would accept no perfect solution at the very beginning but therefore a similar helpful Support via Updates as for the KPA itself. Otherwise I think, we all have to wait still a long time.

    Kemper Team: Maybe it is possible to give us short information at what point of the project we are, and when the prototype probably is supposed to be available.

  • I have a Boss/Roland midiboard for my T.C. G-Force, and i have bought a Behringer FCB1010 and ordered a uno chip that i am waiting for. its very big, and i would by a new Kemper footcontroller if the smaller one will be set in production. I am used to solovolum from my amp and dont like to use a volumpedal! i think i am setting up A-B presets to have solovolume.

  • Love using my Kemper.

    Hard to switch patches with my Lunch Box model sitting on the ground. Always have to prop it up on something.

    I find myself playing along with concert bands a lot and need to switch between an Acoustic Simulator patch and a distorted patch mid-song.

    Need foot controller that's not midi. I hate midi. Hate programming it, a controller should already be set and ready to gig out of the box with minimal tweaking.

    Line 6 has proprietary foot controllers that use CAT5 connectors.

    Why doesn't Kemper?

    At this point it's been so long that you guys should just have one out by now.

    I personally wouldn't mind a larger pedal as long as it's practical and everything is logically placed.

    I already save a lot of space by not carrying around multiple amps and cabinets.

    Just make another properly sized gig bag for the foot controller if it doesn't fit in the NAMBA bag and call it even.

  • FCB 1010 and Uno4Kemper no programming required great choice at the moment :)

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