Kemper Rack mount – free space?

  • Sorry if this has been asked before, couldn't find it. When you mount a Kemper Rack (not a powered one) and a Palmer Macht 401 (class-D power amp) into a rack – does one of those need any free space for cooling matters? Thanx for any info.

  • Can’t hurt, but you see the KPA mounted with no spaces all the time.

    Class D amps run very cool. To the point that the powered Kabinet has no air vent nor a fan for its amplifier.

    I’d say read the manual, but you’re fine either way.

  • I have mine mounted in a 4 unit rack case (Palmer 401 above the Kemper) since 2 years now. No problems. The system is running smooth and cool. I think when you have the kemper inside a bigger rack together with other hot devices like tube rack heads etc. then heat can be a problem.

  • I have mine mounted in a 4 unit rack case (Palmer 401 above the Kemper) since 2 years now. No problems. The system is running smooth and cool. I think when you have the kemper inside a bigger rack together with other hot devices like tube rack heads etc. then heat can be a problem.

    That's exactly what I plan to do. So thanks, this is the info I wanted.