Error code help from the Mods please!

  • ckemper  burkard  GString Guys, I recently noticed a sound issue with my Kemper, and to try & remedy this, I thought I'd do a re-install from my USB stick from my latest backup (25/5 this year). Having done this, the Kemper booted, but into the attached error screen. I managed to get round this by doing a factory reset, and re-install, and everything seems to be working fine. My question is: From the error code window attached, is there a fault with my Kemper that is going to keep re-occurring, or have I cured the problem?

    Thanks in advance


  • Please open a support ticket. Our engineering might need to get consulted. However without the data representing the exact scenario at that moment it might be difficult now to say, what had been causing that issue.

  • Thanks for the reply Burkhard. I noticed a change in the sound of the Kemper, so I did a re-install from the last backup, and got this error messge. As I say, I managed to resolve the issue by doing a factory reset, and re-install, but I'm just concerned that I may have a software error that may cause issues with the unit going forward!