8.5 beta - amp and cab selection via iPad

  • Got 8.5.2 is installed, WPS is working nicely - thanks guys! (Manual SSID selection also worked for me, FWIW).

    Now that I've started to have a play, I've spotted an oddity:

    I have few rigs installed on the stage, just enough for my bass requirements, plus backup for the guitarist in our band, should it ever come to that and I do everything in performance mode. My main go-tos are home-made profiles of my two main amps: a Trace Elliot V8 and an Ampeg SVT-4 PRO, both with a paid-for SVT V9 cab preset. However, none of these are present in the dropdown that appears when I try to select a different amp or cab for the performance. In fact, the list that is show appears to bear no resemblance to what's actually stored on my stage at all, either presets or rigs (I definitely don't recall putting the "robotz gainy" amp or v30 cab profile in there, for example...)

    Am I missing something about what these buttons should do, or how I should be storing stuff?

  • Does that apply here? I've talking about RM on the iPad (so no "right-click" as such), and trying to change which amp is in use for the active performance.

    The list of amps that shows on screen bears no relation (that I can see) to the amp models that I have stored on the stage.