Extra footswitch to do the momentary function for delay

  • Hey guys

    So I asked this a while back, but maybe something is new.

    I need an external footswitch to do the momentary function of one the effects buttons I have programed for delay.

    Basically I do short phrases that I hold down the button for the delay and when I let up the trails go on.

    Thing is I do a LOT of these, and because the effects button is in the second row on the remote I have to stand on one foot

    and hover too much.

    Using the morph won't work because I don't want to change the mix, I need the short trail phrases.

    I hunted again for the answer, but still no. ^^

    Anyone know if there is a way to do this with some kind of extra switch?

    I have been using a Walrus ARP 87, and it does this perfect, and I can put it where I just tilt my foot... But I would prefer to just use the KPA for this

    Spotify, iTunes, Bandcamp, etc... Lugosi Smile

  • Using the morph won't work because I don't want to change the mix, I need the short trail phrases.

    morph can work, if you change the mix location to pre.

    page 231, main manual

    Mix Location Pre/Post

    Determines whether the Mix control is positioned at the input (Pre) or the output (Post) of the delay. This option does not change the signal immediately, but it becomes relevant when the Mix control is morphed by a switch or pedal.

    In the "Post” position, a change of the Mix control changes the output level of the delay, and thus will have an immediate impact to the delay tail when modified. In the "Pre” position, the delay tail will be unaffected by fast changes to Mix, which will control only the delay input level.

  • Thanks guys

    The Morph would take two clicks, just undoable in my application unfortunately.

    I don't know if the tap button would do that, but I would still need it to tap for tempo

    I guess what I may need to do is make some kind of physical, hinged thing, out of plastic to just go over the first row.

    I would give up #5 of my rigs, but I never use more than a couple

    Spotify, iTunes, Bandcamp, etc... Lugosi Smile

  • Wait.....you can set the morph buttons to momentary. Press - morph, release - return.

    I've used this a lot for various reasons. I forget the page, but it's under Rig Settings as a soft button.

    Ahh... Thanks so much, all of you... I'll go over it again, I missed that

    I really appreciate the help!

    Spotify, iTunes, Bandcamp, etc... Lugosi Smile