The double tapping fault with FCB1010 is back

  • Some years ago, there was an issue with the FCB1010 Midi floorboard (with Uno4Kemper chip). By tapping on a switch the profiler loaded the rig, but by a second tap on the same button, it loads a complete different rig, often a rig, witch is not assigned to any Midi number.

    Now this behaviour is back :(. I discovered it at the Version 8.1, but it's still present in 8.22.

    For each midi number it's the same rig every time at the second tapping, but there are also midi numbers without that unwanted rig change,

    So please Kemper team, find the reason and fix that in the next firmware.


  • Well, I thought about. But up to now, I don't use morph. And I must admit, the manual don't explain the morph section very clearly. This starts with the fact, that it describes the LED for Remote and Stage, but I got the rack version. Second, morphing is only for continuous changeable parameter, not for switching parameter. So where is the sense to change the rig by activating morphing?

    Also the Rig Manager is not able to fully control morphing. In the rig-section, there are chickenheads for rise time and fall time and a button for momentary. There is no button for the "morph Button" on page 5 of the rig menu. And the manual don't describe the function. I can guess, that the morph-button on page 5 of the rig menu might be the button to choose parameter to morph, but I just need something to deactivate that and cannot find it.

    And finally, the last time this happened (see my link in the first posting), it seemed to be a malfuction and was fixed some firmwares later.

    By the way: how can I set the function from double tapping to push and hold? This might be a workaround, because I never push and hold the buttons on the floor board.

  • By the way: how can I set the function from double tapping to push and hold? This might be a workaround, because I never push and hold the buttons on the floor board.

    Push rig (not system) for rig settings, it's on page 5(morph), soft button 3 (it just says momentary). It can be set in both browser and/or performance mode so make sure you are in the mode you want to use.

  • I only use mine in performance mode, but haven’t used the push to morph since the update. I’ll pull it out later and double check to see if mine is working correctly.

    I do remember double tapping it and have it change to another rig when I first got it, but I never dug deeper and don’t know when it stopped doing that.

    Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.

  • The Morphing function can only include parameters within the same Rig, never loads a different Rig.

    Not sure, what UNO4Kemper exactly sends in Browse Mode, when you hit the button first and when you hit the button subsequently. If the first hit sends a MIDI program change #, this will cause the PROFILER to load the assigned Rig regardless of it's position in any bank. If subsequent hits send MIDI control changes #50-54 it will cause to load one of the five Rigs in the current bank OR if the number corresponds to the same position of the Rig currently loaded via MIDI program change before, it will trigger Morphing. So you have a one out of five chance, it will trigger Morphing of the current Rig and you have a four out of five chance, it will load one of the other four Rigs in the current bank. So, if the UNO4Kemper mixes absolute adressing via MIDI program change and relative adressing via MIDI control change this way, it would explain your observations. But the PROFILER does exactly what it is supposed to do according to the manual.

    This is what MIDI control change # 50-54 do:


    Loads Slot 1 of present Performance and in Browser Mode Rig 1 of current bank.


    Loads Slot 2 of present Performance and in Browser Mode Rig 2 of current bank.


    Loads Slot 3 of present Performance and in Browser Mode Rig 3 of current bank.


    Loads Slot 4 of present Performance and in Browser Mode Rig 4 of current bank.


    Loads Slot 5 of present Performance and in Browser Mode Rig 5 of current bank.

    If Rig Button Morph is activated in System Settings, and the PROFILER receives subsequent control changes #50-#54 following the initial Slot load, these will trigger Morphing. So, the same button could be used to first load a Rig, and then act as a Morph Button for that Rig.

  • Some years ago, there was an issue with the FCB1010 Midi floorboard (with Uno4Kemper chip). By tapping on a switch the profiler loaded the rig, but by a second tap on the same button, it loads a complete different rig, often a rig, witch is not assigned to any Midi number.

    Now this behaviour is back :(. I discovered it at the Version 8.1, but it's still present in 8.22.

    For each midi number it's the same rig every time at the second tapping, but there are also midi numbers without that unwanted rig change,

    So please Kemper team, find the reason and fix that in the next firmware.


    Hi Roland,

    i am figuring out the same situation since the latest update. Eager to understand what the hell is happening there :)

    it is not a big drama, especially if you work from remote with the rig manager on PC, but when you noodle on the device in browser mode, before the rig manager is on, yes, it is a strange situation.

  • I shared above how CC# 50-54 work. If these get mixed with MIDI program changes . This might in 4 out of 5 cases lead to loading another Rig instead of morphing the Rig currently loaded. This is what happens, if absolute adressing and releative adressing get mixed. There is no gurarantee, that the program change loads a Rig in the same location within the bank as the following control change. Only if moth match, morphing gets triggered.

    As far as I know UNO4Kemper just sticks just to control changes #50-54 in Performance Mode. First control change e..g. #52 loads Slot 3, subsequent #52 morphs this same Slot. It should do the same in Browser Mode. Perhaps there is a setting in Uno4Kemper.

    The PROFILER just executes what its is supposed to execute.

  • ...

    Not sure, what UNO4Kemper exactly sends in Browse Mode, when you hit the button first and when you hit the button subsequently. If the first hit sends a MIDI program change #, this will cause the PROFILER to load the assigned Rig regardless of it's position in any bank. If subsequent hits send MIDI control changes #50-54 it will cause to load one of the five Rigs in the current bank OR if the number corresponds to the same position of the Rig currently loaded via MIDI program change before, it will trigger Morphing.

    Yes, you are right. A bit more simple as JanEricB's picture, this beaviour (second push on the first button loads a new rig (without Midi Number!), second push on the second button seems to do nothing)

    So both buttons do the same, but different effect.

    And: As I mentioned, this behavior popped up three years ago and vanished some updates later. So there seems to be also a change at the profiler side. And as far as I know, Xavier developed his Uno4Kemper together with the Kemper team.

    Maybe he is able to update the chip, if this is the only solution (although this would mean to buy a new eprom, but that's ok).


    If Rig Button Morph is activated in System Settings, and the PROFILER receives subsequent control changes #50-#54 following the initial Slot load, these will trigger Morphing. So, the same button could be used to first load a Rig, and then act as a Morph Button for that Rig.

    How can I deactivate Morphing? Where is the Morph button in the rack version? I cannot find anything in the system settings

  • Yes, but it's a bit tricky. I'm using WIDI-X8 wireless Midi, so yes, in the first moment of power on for all devices exept the Kemper the connection is not present, but the WIDI is plugged in at the FCB.

    But I just checked it out: switching on the FCB after having a stable Midi-connection (green light on at the WIDI) won't change the behaviour.