Performance mode drive me crasy

  • Hi

    I sent my third ticket about performance mode. Here is the message.

    Every thing is fine in browser mode, but performance mode is messy, especially linked with RM.

    From a new performance in RM, I populated the 5 slots by opening a new window and drop the rigs, then "store performance in #xx", following the users manual advice.

    Then, when I switch from one slot to another thanks to the remote, each time the selected slot is changed to the default "crunch". So by selecting the five slots, eventually, they are all set to crunch, and no undo is possible.

    I redo the performance creation, didn't touch the remote and then shut the profiler and RM off and on. The only difference is, the labels of the slots are not changed (5 small rectangles) but the header says "crunch. Nothing's change in RM...before I ask to store the performance on the profiler. Then "crunch" everywhere in RM too.

    I run RM and OS

    Did you ever experiment this ?

  • yeah, it is broken for many people: see this thread for example. I filed a few tickets as well (included video showing the problem), last answer from support was: "we haven't been able to reproduce this so far. It doesn't seem to be a very common issue but we've filed a bug report for it." Which is very strange judging by amount of people in this forum who are having issues with this feature. Performance management from RM never worked for me reliably - I do it directly on device.

  • Did you switch your KPA into performance mode when creating new performance in RM? This works for me nice.

  • yeah, it is broken for many people: see this thread for example. I filed a few tickets as well (included video showing the problem), last answer from support was: "we haven't been able to reproduce this so far. It doesn't seem to be a very common issue but we've filed a bug report for it." Which is very strange judging by amount of people in this forum who are having issues with this feature. Performance management from RM never worked for me reliably - I do it directly on device.

    Could be people haven't been filing tickets. People love to complain, but often don't report.

    I haven't complained about this problem, but I get the same results. I figured enough people here had made noise that it wasn't needed.

    So...I'll be submitting one now. :)

  • I'm having the same problem! I assumed I was doing something wrong, but now it looks like it's just the software not working the way we were led to believe that it would, based eg on the beta manual.

    Its a bug. The manual is correct.

    The unfortunate thing (from our perspective) is that not everyone is having this issue.

    Mine seems intermittent now. Saturday, it wouldn't save. I restarted everything....and it works as expected.

  • Could be people haven't been filing tickets. People love to complain, but often don't report.

    I haven't complained about this problem, but I get the same results. I figured enough people here had made noise that it wasn't needed.

    So...I'll be submitting one now. :)

    Sure please send a ticket.

  • I had a look at the tread Piotrmaj talks about. Most of the complaints are about RM. But I tried to populate a new performance in RM, then store. Everything seemed fine in the profiler. Then after switching the profiler off and on, RM being closed, I had this "crunch issue" on the profiler itself. I tried to load another rig, in one slot, using only the profiler, and then there was a discrepancy between the name in the main window, and the one on the 2nd position top left.

    I tried to start from scratch, not using RM at all. It seems to be OK.

  • Don’t use RM to create performances. As you’ve found it’s buggy as all hell and some very weird and potentially dangerous things happen. On more than once occasion I’ve lost work as it’s decided to overwrite slots.

    It seems it’s a syncing issue.

    I have been creating around 30 odd performances for a show and it was so unreliable I gave up and exclusively did everything on the unit itself.

    I find it’s okay if not making major changes- for example in an existing performance just editing a parameter and clicking save. It’s the major ones like creating new slots, naming, moving around via cut and paste, etc that are where it gets crazy.