I've had the Kemper since 2013 for recording and am planning on using live. But recently modified presets do not sound like the original preset and I cannot figure out what I've done. Maybe if I explain, someone can tell me what happened. I was creating a live set list by modifying the presets that I like and loading in the 1-128 midi program changes in the browser mode.
1. Was running OS (no noticeable issues)
2. Updated to OS 8.06.24597 to utilize the new Rig Manager 3.1.62 and link to PC via USB
3. Modified some of the presets to match my live setlist (changing presets with a midi footpedal)
4. Last night, I noticed that every resent preset sounded bassy and dull. In general, none of the new presets sounded good to my ear and certainly not like I remember.
5. Backed up the unit as a precaution
6. Restored to an 2013 backup (the factory setting, but the OS remained 8.06.24597
7. The original, non-modified preset sounds great through the headphones (Strumming 01 is the original preset)
8. The modified preset sound terrible (bassy and dull) through the headphones. These are the presets I slightly modified and changed the name.
9. Here is what I can't figure out: I can switch from the original preset to the modded preset and can find no differences in any settings other than the BPM and name, yet they sound completely different. I've checked every setting in the Rig Manager and the two presets "look" exactly the same.
I'm thinking I've got to go start over and reprogram all the sounds, but I want to avoid the same issue. Can anyone offer some ideas as to what has happened?