Big Silence after 5 hours, no Input ...

  • I've programmed for 5 hours KPA rigs and played and then a sudden stillness.
    The input LED is dark. In Tuner mode, no more rash, the bubble in the water level is very quiet in the middle, although I have at the entrance of the KPA now the radio station (Line 6 Relay 50) swapped the cable and also tried a different guitar. Even the touch of the guitar cable in the input does not help to "light up"
    System reset with no success, no input LED is lit, no tuner function.
    Device switched off and switched on about 20 minutes later and now everything works again.
    What could be the cause of the catastrophic failure, I have shortly the next gig with the KPA ... and I am very worried ...
    best regards

    Firmware: Public Beta

    Edited once, last by mici01 (June 22, 2012 at 7:08 PM).

  • Probably a cash failure, it comes from programming due to the excessive amount of temporary data saved in the cash. It happened on earlier FW. In order to avoid it I personally run a backup and a re-start after 2 hours of continuous tweaking. Normally your ears should be fried a lot earlier... 8o

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Probably a cash failure

    Ok, you win for one of my favorite type-os on a forum anywhere. I have definitely had silences due to a cash failure, but in this case I think you mean a cache failure. :P

    As a software engineer myself (no, I haven't quit my day job), I am more than familiar with these kinds of failures (resource leaks is what we call them). The problem is most likely associated with the Rig editing so if you aren't editing during your show you are probably safe. That said, when gigging with a Kemper (or any digital gear), I'd consider shutting it down and restarting during each intermission just to be on the safe side.

    Edited once, last by keno (June 22, 2012 at 8:29 PM).

  • The solution to the situation (if that's what it is), is apparently to unplug and leave off for half an hour before coming back.

    I really hope this gets fixed so it doesn't happen anymore, cos if someone were out on tour and had a set with many rig changes and lots of midi pedal action, maybe did a rehearsal earlier on and left the KPA on, well then there is no chance of stopping for half an hour, let alone those in a studio where it's costing per hour usage you just can't afford to have kit black out on you for that long.

    Edited once, last by Per (June 22, 2012 at 8:53 PM).

  • The usual reason leaving a device unplugged for a while is to give the capacitors in the power supply time to drain so that every component is completely powered down are restarting fresh. In most cases like this, that is overkill--just forcing a reboot is sufficient. However, if the problem is in a peripheral chip rather than the core CPU, a complete power down could be required.

    Note: that's a général jugement based on experience working with other systems in the same class (from a computer point of view, not a musical one...). I don't know anything specific about the internals of the Kemper.

  • I think Sigmund Freud would have something to say about my lapsus (cash is a big concern in my day life ;( )!!!
    Yeah, I meant cache. When the capacitors are unloaded the cache content is definitely cancelled.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • The solution to the situation (if that's what it is), is apparently to unplug and leave off for half an hour before coming back.

    I really hope this gets fixed so it doesn't happen anymore, cos if someone were out on tour and had a set with many rig changes and lots of midi pedal action, maybe did a rehearsal earlier on and left the KPA on, well then there is no chance of stopping for half an hour, let alone those in a studio where it's costing per hour usage you just can't afford to have kit black out on you for that long.

    The cache handling as a cause of the problem encountered, which can surely only confirm or refute Kemper insider, I'm very doubtful on.
    If this is the cause, but then I do not know why

    • A reboot does not eliminate the problem immediately ...
    • after a system reset, the problem is not immediately removed ...
    • what in the 20 - happened 30 minutes when turned off, the KPA is -

    Should it not be possible, when you turn off and / or reset of the KPA to implement a mini routine that recall exactly solves the problem?

  • latest update
    New day, new luck? NO
    The same error appeared again - absolute silence, but this time after about 20 minutes.
    - KPA reboot - problem not solved
    - KPA system reset - problem not solved
    Switch Off and wait ...
    KPA is working again, but only 10 minutes, then absolute silence again
    last idea ... ?
    Downgrade to OS on 1.0.8_svn7292 (the 1.9.X version I had not included). After the final reboot - KPA worked immediately for the remaining three hours without any problems. Further tests are needed to determine whether the problem is really solved, and the firmware 1.1.0_svn7459 possibly the cause. I will stay again in 1.0.8. for the next time ...
    Something frightened me even when I think about that on Saturday with the KPA I'm on stage ... ?(