• Hello,

    This might sound strange but I use the Strymon Iridium in the FX loop of the Kemper, and use the Kemper for drives Fx and so on, and I have the remote as well.

    It runs perfectly but I have a problem in sending the initial program change to the Strymon to save a setting

    I used the Strymon with the JOYO PXL-8 midi/looper controller, and I could setup up the Iridium, by holding the FAV button till it flashes blue, and then choose a PC change number on the JOYO, and click a switch that sends it to the iridium, it stops flashing, which means the setting as successfully saved on the iridium under that number, as it has a capacity for 300 presets, and this is the way to select a number and save it... and can be recalled once a PC message is sent again, and I saved those various PCs on the various banks of the Joyo, worked perfectly

    On Performance mode, I managed to recall these already saved presets, I have like 28, so when I enter PC # 21 on the Kemper performance rig, it choses that that I already saved using the JOYO

    My problem is I can not send PC messages to the iridium to save a new preset, or even tweak an existing preset on an existing number and save it

    I want to make another set of presets for the Kemper, for example #30-50, using the Kemper, and later tweak them on the Kemper, I can not seem to find how to do that, I don't want to keep going back and forth to the joy and programming it and then come back to the Kemper and just recall.

    I am failing to find how I can do that, the there is no button that initiates the PC command to be sent Iridium, I even tried to do it thru "assign" in browser mode, but nothing is happening. Am.i missing something?

    The iridium is pretty straight forward, attached the portion of the manual which says how it works.

    Appreciate any help or tips.

    Sorry if I took too long to describe the issue or if it is still vague

  • Program a MIDI PC number to a Performance Slot, on the same MIDI Channel as the Iridium. Store it. When you select that Performance Slot, it will send the PC to the Iridium.

    Thanks Paul, I'll give it a shot, I think I tried that but as the light flashed I pressed the same slot that I programmed, and nothing happened, maybe I will try to program, then save, move to another slot, and then start the saving procedure on iridium and go back to that slot, I think it might work.

  • Thanks Paul, I'll give it a shot, I think I tried that but as the light flashed I pressed the same slot that I programmed, and nothing happened, maybe I will try to program, then save, move to another slot, and then start the saving procedure on iridium and go back to that slot, I think it might work.

    Program a MIDI PC number to a Performance Slot, on the same MIDI Channel as the Iridium. Store it. When you select that Performance Slot, it will send the PC to the Iridium.

    Thanks man, That worked, I had to go to another slot, the set up the iridium, initial saving and go to another slot, worked so easily! Thanks a lot mate!

  • Hi Majmunx (and anyone else),

    I'm thinking of picking up a Strymon Iridium as an alternative to my Kemper which I've had since 2012. Just fancied a change/second rig to use in another room, and as I've also got a couple of origin effects pedals (Revival drive and Rivival trem), fancy running them as preamps before the Iridium (just using the Iridium for the IR/Cab sim), but also having the option to use the amp & cab sims in the Iridium too.

    I saw you post re using your Iridium in the FX loop of the Kemper and it got me thinking re other approaches. I could maybe take advantage of using the Kemper time-based effects (delay/reverb) after the Iridium, essentially only using the Kemper to provide these and nothing else.

    Would this therefore work?:

    Guitar into preamp/'amp in a box' pedals --> Kemper return (then set loop slot in Kemper then delay/reverb slots) --> Kemper send --> Iridium --> FRFR.