Effects lock/unlock when changing performances

  • Hello all! I use my Stage live weekly in a worship setting. Here is what I need to accomplish that I can’t figure out how to do: On one performance I have 5 presets. Let’s say I have a dotted 1/8 delay on one of the effect buttons. I obviously want that delay to stay on when changing presets within that performance (verse sound/chorus sound/ lead). So, the only way I know to accomplish that is by locking the effects. I don’t want to save the performance with the delay ON though because I don’t always need it. So I have it as a stomp.
    The problem comes when I need to change performances. If the effects are locked they copy to the next performance. The whole reason for another performance might have been to have completely different effects. How can I accomplish this without having to bend down and lock/unlock effects. We are usually going right to the next song quickly plus we are on TV and streamed. Not real professional to be bending over and adjusting pedalboard.

  • Thanks for the replies. I’m sorry if I’m missing the point. I have the same delay on all 5 rigs in the performance but not sure what you mean by “copy of the performance where you deactivated the delays”. Do you mean to save with delays deactivated? If so I have done that but when I press another one of the 5 preset buttons in that performance the delay goes off and I have to turn it on, unless I have it locked. But then when it’s locked and I advance (using up/down) to another performance I have to turn lock off or else those effects are locked and moved to the next performance. I’d like to be able to have a different set of effect choices with next performance without having to unlock each time I change performances.

  • Whatr I was trying to explain is that lock does not work for your application because as you already found out it is global for all performances. If you want to use the same performance sometimes with delay on and sometimes with delay off you need to copy the whole performance and change the status of the delays in the copied version. The Profiler offer 125 performance locations for this purpose.

  • Yes, I do have the same delay for all 5 of the slots but when I go from slot 1 to slot 2 the delay turns off unless I have it locked. I know I can store the delay to all slots as saved but I don’t want that. What I want is to engage delay at will on any slot, and when it’s on, it’s on for all 5 slots and when it’s off, it’s off on all 5 slots. Then if I bank up/down to another Performance, I want to have the option of completely different effects. I can do that now but NOT but only if effects are locked.

  • Yes, I do have the same delay for all 5 of the slots but when I go from slot 1 to slot 2 the delay turns off unless I have it locked. I know I can store the delay to all slots as saved but I don’t want that. What I want is to engage delay at will on any slot, and when it’s on, it’s on for all 5 slots and when it’s off, it’s off on all 5 slots. Then if I bank up/down to another Performance, I want to have the option of completely different effects. I can do that now but NOT with but only if effects are locked.

    What you propose here is not possible right now. What you could do, is for example program slot 1 with the delay off. Then during the song you switch the delay on. If you want to keep that delay, program slot 2 with the delay on. Repeat this workflow for all the slots you use during a song.

    Locking is global for all performances, and not what you want in your situation. Programming the slots in the way you’ll be using them is the best solution, I think.

  • One easy firmware fix for this ( maybe I should put it in the requests forum) would be to make the lock button assignable to a foot switch. For live use, I’d probable assign it to the LOOPER foot switch. Then I could have all 5 slots with effects locked to accomplish my delay goal, then unlock it on the foot switch, bank to a different performance where I could have all different effects. Then lock again with foot switch. Just a thought.

    I really appreciate everyone’s posts and solutions. I hoped it might be possible. I can definitely deal with it, it’s just not ideal. However, the benefits of the Kemper FAR outweigh this little aggravation. I sold 5 pedalboards and my amps so I’m “all in” on the Kemper. Hopefully this could be made available one day. It’s definitely not a deal breaker.

  • ...or alternatively rethink your workflow.

    Certain songs will require delay on and others with it off but want to put it on during the song. I can;t believe you have that many variations that mean you can have a slot dedicated to these options.

    Just to be clear, you can have a slot that comes on with delay on or off with your choice. I don;t use lock at all, its just one option here.

    To me either of these options are way easier than an external delay pedal that ( in most cases) will have 1 delay setting and tempo.

  • Correct, I understand I can have a slot where delay is on or off but I can’t figure out a way, when I turn delay on to have it STAY on when I got to the next slot, without locking it. I have four of the slots with levels of drive- clean, drive, more drive and lead and a 5th with some special effect. Anyway, I don’t want the delay ON until I want it ON but when it is engaged, I’d like to step from clean to drive with delay still ON. I don’t want to turn it in ON when using the clean slot, then when I change to a drive slot have to turn it on again. The only way I know to accomplish this is with the lock feature on.

    ...or alternatively rethink your workflow.

    Certain songs will require delay on and others with it off but want to put it on during the song. I can;t believe you have that many variations that mean you can have a slot dedicated to these options.

    Just to be clear, you can have a slot that comes on with delay on or off with your choice. I don;t use lock at all, its just one option here.

    To me either of these options are way easier than an external delay pedal that ( in most cases) will have 1 delay setting and tempo.

  • Just to be clear, I’m only using a couple of performances. The main one I use is MBritts TopHat. I have the slots set up from clean to levels of drive and lead tones. It’s not like I need a lot of performances with different effects. I just need to go from one performance to another without having to unlock effects and I need to be able to change slots in a performance without having to engage the delay stomp with each slot change.

  • Correct, I understand I can have a slot where delay is on or off but I can’t figure out a way, when I turn delay on to have it STAY on when I got to the next slot, without locking it. I have four of the slots with levels of drive- clean, drive, more drive and lead and a 5th with some special effect. Anyway, I don’t want the delay ON until I want it ON but when it is engaged, I’d like to step from clean to drive with delay still ON. I don’t want to turn it in ON when using the clean slot, then when I change to a drive slot have to turn it on again. The only way I know to accomplish this is with the lock feature on.

    Yep that's the only way because the effects are not separate but linked to the slot. In practice this is way better because of the options you can save but in exactly what you want to do you only have those 3 options

    1) Locked

    2) external effects

    3) dedicated slots for those song parts.