Public Beta

  • +1 for #'s, even though I'm in the camp that usually either tunes standard or down 1/2 a step, when you're looking at a bubble, needle or strobe it's far easier to see with your peripheral vision whether the note says "D#" or "E" by the fact the letter changes, rather than trying to see whether the little symbol has appeared or not.

    To delete the option for viewing at this point would be cruel to the people that want it, the best solution I believe would be a toggle.

    P.S. I haven't ran the last 2 updates because of this

    Wouldn't you rather look down when you hit your E string and have it read E rather than D? Or See a G when you hit the G string instead of F? And see a A when you hit the A string instead of G? Seems this would be far easier to see than seeing the incorrect string name- forget about the little symbol!

  • Wouldn't you rather look down when you hit your E string and have it read E rather than D? Or See a G when you hit the G string instead of F? And see a A when you hit the A string instead of G? Seems this would be far easier to see than seeing the incorrect string name- forget about the little symbol!

    I'd agree with Vinny Burns , I'd rather the note be obviously different when tuning up. In the end it's just what we're used to I suppose. No biggie

  • you can change this.

    Cool, then Arobas does what I'm suggesting: allow users to use whatever suits them ;)

    I would hate to be a manufacturer of anything today, everybody keeps whining and wants a different options for minor things .

    When the tuner was # I never complained, and lived with it and never had a problem using it but i do prefer it flat b but its not a major issue..

    I work in huge software development projects and even though it's sometimes annoying I am happy when users give me constructive and reasoned feedback. Comments like your's on the other hand: not very helpful. But you are right, it's by far no deal breaker for this wonderful product – still a valid request.