Kone imprints with DXR 10

  • The imprints will function with anything plugged into the monitor out or speaker out (for powered KPAs), but are designed to achieve optimal results with the Kemper Kone/Kabinet. I tried them through my Line6 Powercabs, set to flat, and the results were pretty decent.

  • From the Main manual 7.5, page 97:

    The KEMPER Kone speaker and KEMPER Kone mode in the PROFILER are a perfect match. Therefore, please donot run the KEMPER Kone without the KEMPER Kone mode activated. You should also refrain from running the KEMPER Kone speaker with any sound generator other than the PROFILER. If you do, it will not sound good, and will certainly not sound as intended. The same applies for running the KEMPER Kone mode into another speaker — this will also not sound good.

  • It CAN sound OK. I've run imprints into my XiTone MBritt powered 1x12. Like others it sounds OK to pretty good. You WILL hear the differences in imprints for sure.

    But... it does not sound as good/natural/accurate as the Kabinet or Kone.

  • Let's more specific...it's not designed to be used for anything other than the Kone. Therefore the results will be less predictable/accurate.

    So you will get a different sound, I'm pretty sure it won;t cause damage and whether that is pleasing, better or worse is up to you.

    If you then want support from other people on tuning your sound, fewer people will be able to advise as you have an unknown factor in your signal chain.

    Its a bit like saying can I play my electro acoustic through a Marshall Plexi.....you can, but the results will "different".