Audio interface input signal

  • I have a MOTU M4 interface that I want to use the Kemper. The instrument/Mic inputs I'm using with Microphones, therefore, I have 2 Line inputs That I want to use the Kemper with. I tried using different outputs on the Kemper and trying different output settings but I still get a weak signal??? The headphone out is good. Can I get a good strong signal out of one of the outputs? Is there a setting I'm missing???

  • Check that the -12dB pad isn't engaged, Brother Munkee.

    From the manual:

    Main Out -12 dB

    Whenever the device (e.g. mixing desk or audio interface) connected to the MAIN OUTPUT XLR or TS jacks indicates too much level coming from the PROFILER, or there is the need to set the Main Output Volume to less than -12 dB, then activate the Main Output Pad to reduce the signal level of the Main Output by 12 dB. This increases the range of the Main Output Volume control and preserves the signal-to-noise ratio of the Main Output.

  • Hi munkee,

    Check out this video,

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  • I'm back!!! The monitor along with direct output gives me great signal to my audio interface, thanks for the help. I decided to try stereo from the Kemper Main outs(TRS cables) to the inputs(3&4) of my MOTU M4 audio interface. Now I'm back to a weak signal into my interface? I've messed around with different settings on the Kemper and nothing is working. However, I am using both sets of main outs on the Kemper. XLR are going to my Headrush monitors and the TRS main outs are going to the interface, could that be my issue?

    Edited once, last by munkee (January 1, 2021 at 3:37 AM).

  • Kemper Main Outputs are either XLR (balanced) or TS (unbalanced). Don't use TRS jacks on the Profiler Main Outputs.

    Best option is XLR female -> TRS from Kemper to audio interface (balanced connection).

    If that's not possible for some reason, use TS -> TS cables (unbalanced connection).

    General advise:

    I would rather record the best possible way (balanced audio) and keep the monitoring unbalanced.