• I know it sounds a bit petty. I often tune my guitar (like probably many other guitarist) half a tone lower. In this case, the tuner shows me a D# or G#, etc. For me it would be more logical if the tuner would show an Eb, Ab, etc. instead of a D#, G#, etc. Then I would still have the reference to tuned string.

  • I have been asking for an "offsettable" tuner one that if you hit your E string (which is actually tuned to Eb) reads E not Eb or D#. Many other inexpensive tuners do this. My digitech 1101 lets you put this into the unit globally, so even the harmonizer recognizes it so you don't have to transpose when using harmonizer functions. I LOVED that about that unit. Even though it wasn't the actual pitch, if you played an "E" scale on your guitar, you could set the harmonizer for a harmony in E and it would be correct. Since I tune 1/2 step down, it makes figuring user scales even tougher because you have to transpose everything or write it out.

    So I guess my request would also include that the unit see that globally, so the harmonizer recognizes that too. Digitech GSP1101 as an example.

  • We will change to "b" in a future update.

    Not exactly by the reasons you state, but because it seems to be a standard. Win win.

    Are you saying you will change it to read the flatted note or be able to transpose the whole unit globally? My wish is not a bunch of custom offests or complicated turnings but just simply to offset the tuner by 1/2 steps chromatically. For example so that when a Eb actual note is sounded, the Kemper tuner reads E and the harmonizer understands this too. The old Digitech 1101 did this and it made programming harmonies with 1/2 step down tuning a breeze.