Free Marshall JVM410h and JCM800 Profiles (DI)

  • Evening all

    I recently moved away from the Kemper and in the process of testing various amps I testing profiling a few amps. These are DI profiles so will require a cab (I used Wall of Sound)


    Marshall JVM410h

    There are 108 amp profiles. The amp was profiled from gain setting 2 up to 10 on all channels (12 in total).

    Naming convention is straight forward:

    Mar JVM CL A 02 = Marshall JVM410h on the clean channel set to Amber with gain set to 2.

    I was personally very proud of these profiles and side by side, apart from only a tiny bit of additional gain, sounded better than the amp.

    Marshall JCM800

    Yesterday, in an attempt to fall back in love with my Kemper, I made a few profiles of my JCM800. I did not take many as the amp to me sounded perfect with the gain at 8 and the master set at various levels.

    Naming convention again is straight forward:

    Marshall JCM800 M4 P8 = Marshall JCM800 with master at 4 and gain at 8.

    There are no pedals in front of the amp so it is pure amp tone.

    I would love some feedback. I was actually looking to become a commercial profiler at one point but not sure I have the skills for that.

    Anyway download, distribute as you feel free and please provide a little feedback.


    Edited 2 times, last by Audiopilot (November 4, 2020 at 11:21 PM).

  • Hi and thanks,

    but I'm not able to download them: Chrome block the download cause it thinks that it's dangerous

    Well.. I know that sometimes a JCM800 with M4 and P8 could be dangerous, but I didn't know Chrome knows it as well!


  • Yep !

    the download it's ok this time (I had to move it in My dropbox and then downoad them)

    I'll try them better tomorrow (it's almost midnight here)

    As first try, I've just used an IR by Celestion (V30 412 C Hi-Gn All Celestion) and to me, they all sound a bit thin and less Loud compared to e.i. others 'Pro Profilers'

    Not bad, but probably they used to Pump Up the sound with some extra gear in the profile chain.

    What do You use to Get the DI?..or DA as they used to say

  • Sollazzon

    I used the GT-75 with my JVM as I found the V30 didn't really fit. Also I found the JVM from commercial profilers to be too saturated by using pedals which this amp as you know does not need.

    One area I really struggled with commercial profiles was they sounded fine in isolation. If you then recorded them and out them against Superior Drummer they sounded terrible, and if you stacked then they lost definition. I found with my profiles I could stack and pan the guitars and the definition wasn't lost.

    To profile I only used the Two Note Reload and nothing else.

  • Thanks Audio, and no issues downloading the 2 files here. :thumbup:

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Shit, the JVM sounded like a monster... the creamy full bodied sound was righty there, and which channel, the bloody OD1 on the JVM, the nirvana of sounds for me. It had to much gain so I turned down my volume, holy crap... This crazy piece of digital madness actually cleans up.

    I scrolled through all the presets and found nearly all would be extremely useful in the studio, about 30% I can see me using live!!!! This is with no firmware update, no Rig Manager and no packs just absolute stock

    ... its marvellous that you included 2 plectrums for me to use, but for the love of God could you not have included some Anti Wrinkle cream for my laughter lines!!!!! This thing is on par with my some.

    Now I loaded up a few Rigs to test, a few more like about 100, and apart from the ones that don't suit my playing, they sounded bloody awesome. I felt like I was in front of a tube amp screaming away at a gig....only I was at about 5 watts out of a DXR10!!!!. Amps that I know I would like but would never buy I got to play. There is a great amount of feel with this profiler, its so touch sensitive, roll back the volume, cleans up beautifully, alter you pick attack and it responds accordingly.

    All I did was scroll to another amp and play, smile, play, smile.....

    If this thing weighed twice the amount of my JVM and 4x12 I would still keep it.

    I am extremely satisfied with my Kemper!

    If you are thinking of a Kemper stop thinking about it and buy one.

    Last few times I have jammed with my JVM it was lost in the mix due to the GT75 speakers being quite dark sounding. I could easily buy a new cab for £800 with v30s in but again money after money. Now I can just hit Cab and select a V30 loaded cab. The Kemper is just so reliable from a consistent sound perspective it seems unreal.

    I am a very happy Kemper.

    One thing I did test was how it compared to my JVM when reamped and it's night and day. The JVM sounds great but a little distant, the Kemper sounds like it has some serious balls.

    So far the Kemper has replaced the JVM, all my pedals and the re-amp box I use. From about 30 cables to 3 lol

    I have not had a single negative experience as of yet...... This coming from a man with a great ear and a fussy disposition.

    This was how you felt in that first week 2017-10-12->2017-10-17, Mike. Just reminding you. :D

    I read your other thread where you said you felt that your amps cut through the mix better and it seemed to me that that was the main reason you decided to move on. Considering all the benefits you felt it gave you, this "sudden" revelation and subsequent decision to do so left me feeling kinda-sad for you bro'.

    Surely there must be solutions to the issue? Experimenting with EQ whilst mixing springs to mind as the obvious place to start.

    Anyway, as I've suggested, it saddens me to see your disappointment after 3 years, especially given your enthusiasm and delight back in the day.

    All this said, thank you so much for sharing the Profiles, brother. Very-much appreciated. I'm sure I'm not alone in hoping that this isn't the end of your Kemper journey. ;):thumbup:

  • Can I ask what people's opinions of the one si have posted so far would be?

    Just be honest.



    I only tried the JCM800 ones and I've already given you my feedback..

    they are not bad for me..of course I'd put some reverb (and maybe a delay)

    to me the gain You've setted it's a bit higer than I like but.. I can roll it down a bit.

    Should I ask what kind of Vales/Tubes do You have on that 800?

  • Mike,

    I only tried the JCM800 ones and I've already given you my feedback..

    they are not bad for me..of course I'd put some reverb (and maybe a delay)

    to me the gain You've setted it's a bit higer than I like but.. I can roll it down a bit.

    Should I ask what kind of Vales/Tubes do You have on that 800?

    Thank you for the feedback.

    It is strange you mentioned about the gain, its not that high but I have literally just noticed that the profile sounds like there is a boost in front, a lot more saturated than the actual amp.

    I have asked for some advise before I profile again as I complete about 70 JCM800 profiles that just sound bad.... Well good, but nothing like the amp.

    Hopefully it's late and I am just tired and missed something.

    Thank you for your feedback, I'll upload more when I figure out where I am going wrong.


  • well... You mention about the gain First^^

    I did not take many as the amp to me sounded perfect with the gain at 8 and the master set at various levels.


    Marshall JCM800 M4 P8 = Marshall JCM800 with master at 4 and gain at 8.

    I assume you actually used that setting of Gain..

    anyway.. on a 2203 a usually have a different approach: I set the master as loud as the conditions* allow me, then I turn Up the gain as far as I like/need.

    Seems You did exaclty the revers:) maybe that's why they all sound too Gainy to me

    *I mean when useing a real cabinet (4x12), so pretty low in a Live situation (2-3??!?) , a bit more in Studio (5-6...7?!??! it depends) but of course useing a DI box and WoS You can crank it up to 10 (it's not safe but).. so it's a different situation.

  • Sollazzon

    I never noticed my previous post regarding gain, I was absolutely exhausted last night.

    In regard to gain setting, yes I did use M4 P8 in fact everthing from M4 with P4 - 10 to M10 with P4 - 10. This was just to profile a range of sound but when recording I generally use M4 - P8 with a Boost.

    In regard to the Master high and Pre low, I read a few days back on the Marshall forum that some prefer driving the master tubes and keeping the pre low but with profiling I have not attempted to really listen to see if I prefer it. I did profile that way, so M8 with P4 but as they where all distorted I couldn't really notice a great deal of difference.

    I want to get this right so I can provide some free like for like JCM800 profiles then profile my Silver Jubilee.

    I seem to be unable to draw myself away from the Kemper, I played it last night with my profiles and even though they had a lot more gain, the sound was very close to the JCM800 on alternate settings.

    The joy of being a damn guitarist, never happy.
