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  • Kemper Drive: it's not perfect, it has some limitations, it is not a Klon nor a Precision Drive (even when it has some resemblence to both). But it is still a damn good overdrive! Big thanks and thumbs up to Kemper team.


    The more I test it, the more I think this statement from jperttu is completely true.

    In the craziness of testing the KD I have gone out of my usual ways nowdays (I used to buy a lot of pedals) and I acquired a J. Rockett Audio Designs Archer Ikon. Testing it right now. WOW.

  • Nice measurements!

    However, it does not contradict our approach and what we claim. :)

    ckemper what do you think of my observation that to mach the Maxon OD-9 it could be useful to have more (maybe all of it) of the overdriven path of the signal in the 100% setting of the Mix knob?

    Having this parameter is so useful. Why limit it to a maximum setting that is not really a 100% mix of the overdriven tone?

    If you keep the approach of showing users "the way" to certain pedals you just could just include the Mix parameter in your graphics on the manual. Maybe a 808 would be a 80% mix while a Maxon OD-9 would have a 90% mix.

    Think about it. Introducing that change you loose nothing and we gain flexibility.

    On another note I would like to address other issue that might have some room for improvement.

    Right now I have tested the KD and Full OC stomps against three real pedals: Fulltone OCD 1.7, Maxon OD-9 and J. Rockett Audio Designs Archer Ikon.

    In all cases the Kemper stomp is A LOT noisier than any of the real pedals. With the pedals I would be able to use them without the need of a Noise Gate. Not with the Kemper stomps.

  • In all cases the Kemper stomp is A LOT noisier than any of the real pedals. With the pedals I would be able to use them without the need of a Noise Gate. Not with the Kemper stomps.

    might that have to do with the location and therefore the kpa’s main noise gate? External pedals if placed before the KpA input just might get gated more than a model in one of the effects slots. Perhaps you’d get as much noise with a real OD pedal in the effects loop?

  • ckemper what do you think of my observation that to mach the Maxon OD-9 it could be useful to have more (maybe all of it) of the overdriven path of the signal in the 100% setting of the Mix knob?

    Having this parameter is so useful. Why limit it to a maximum setting that is not really a 100% mix of the overdriven tone?

    If you keep the approach of showing users "the way" to certain pedals you just could just include the Mix parameter in your graphics on the manual. Maybe a 808 would be a 80% mix while a Maxon OD-9 would have a 90% mix.

    Think about it. Introducing that change you loose nothing and we gain flexibility.

    What is the drive setting on your analog, and on the KD?

    This makes a whole lot of difference even in the mix between clean and distorted path.

    And as a consequence, it even determines the bass energy of any OD.

    Please be aware that the span of the KDs Drive control is wider than on most overdrives.

    Therefore the zero setting does not match the zero setting of a 808 or 9.

  • might that have to do with the location and therefore the kpa’s main noise gate? External pedals if placed before the KpA input just might get gated more than a model in one of the effects slots. Perhaps you’d get as much noise with a real OD pedal in the effects loop?

    Thanks for your suggestion Grooguit . For all this tests I keep the Noise Gate in the Input Section at 0.0 value.

    I am using the pedals in front of the KPA.

  • ckemperIn all cases the Kemper stomp is A LOT noisier than any of the real pedals. With the pedals I would be able to use them without the need of a Noise Gate. Not with the Kemper stomps.

    Our stomps do not produce noise at all, because they are digital.

    However, they are truly able to amplify noise from the input.

    What is your analog setup?

    What happens if you put your guitar straight to the Profilers input?

  • In this thread there is a lot of electro-engineer stuff where I just can read and try to catch the meanings.

    After all, I am just a user and wanting to have good soundings using Kemper overdrives/distortion. Reading all those comparisions about external devices and digital Kemper solutions, there is one thing I have to note as my own experiences: using and setting up a distortion/overdrive module also depends a lot on the amp profile you are using. Sometimes, the Soft Sharpener sounds better than the Green Scream to my ears. Therefore, is all the stuff discussed here of any generalizable value? I do not know. In the end, I would like to have clear descriptions on the usage of the new drives in the manual.

  • I would like to have clear descriptions on the usage of the new drives in the manual

    I know it's not what you want to read but the best description on the usage is in your ears. That's where everything starts and ends, well, everything that's relevant to you. :) Other people have different ears and use cases.

    The manual can help to set (and limit) expectations.

    is all the stuff discussed here of any generalizable value?

    Yes and no. If you've followed the discussion, you already know that there are in fact different types of overdrives, the Kemper Drive isn't a "one size fits all" thing and it certainly is great for what it is.

    My personal hope is that at least a few more people now understand that the key to overdrive is the volume to push an amp, NOT the Gain/Drive knob. The Gain/Drive knob allows to add (some) harmonic content to shape and fine tune the final tone, just like e.g. Tone/Treble/Bass knobs. But the Volume knob sets the stage.

  • What happens if you put your guitar straight to the Profilers input?

    Ok. So some noise was coming from a wireless system that I have in place.

    Now, once I connect my guitar straight to the input I get the same noise level as if I just disconnect it completely.

    Still in this situation I can make the KD hiss by increasing the drive and volume parameters (no cord connected to input). This hiss gets blocked by the Input Section Noise Gate if use it. Also I can block it with a Noise Gate stomp in front of the KD or after it. Please confirm that this behavior is normal.

  • What is the drive setting on your analog, and on the KD?

    This makes a whole lot of difference even in the mix between clean and distorted path.

    I'll have to go back and test again with the Maxon OD. But I was not able to get rid of enough clean signal to match the sound of the Maxon OD-9.

    Please be aware that the span of the KDs Drive control is wider than on most overdrives.

    Therefore the zero setting does not match the zero setting of a 808 or 9.

    Yes, of course I know that. I will do a second round of testing with the Maxon to see if I come to the same conclusions. I did not take notes of my settings.

  • Watch the video I made and posted today. There you'll see.

    i watch the video. thank you for taking time to do this. it looks your conclusion is the KD is only capable a tube screamer drive. And the available parameter cannot change this. If yes then what paramater need to be added to KD to recreate other pedal beside the tube screamer?

    also you tested the powerboost pedal to eq the Klon pedal. But did not do the same powerboost pedal to eq the KD. Is that different result?

  • Have you A/B'ed the Precision Drive?

    I mean that Kemper Drive is not Precision Drive. Does it sound 100% like Precision Drive? I don't actually care. I can do that and more with Kemper Drive and more importantly, I can dial my sound with it. For me, that' what matters.

    Thus said, my hat goes off for those who are currently A/B'ing and tweaking their pedals and Kemper Drive. That is what R/D is all about and that keeps Kemper still improving, after all these years. My best guitar related purchase ever, hands down. I've been Kemper owner since 2013 and every year I have found better profiles, better little tweaks and my guitar tone has improved. Even to the point I don't actually need better guitar tone, finally I can focus just to playing and recording my stuff.


  • i watch the video. thank you for taking time to do this. it looks your conclusion is the KD is only capable a tube screamer drive. And the available parameter cannot change this. If yes then what paramater need to be added to KD to recreate other pedal beside the tube screamer?

    also you tested the powerboost pedal to eq the Klon pedal. But did not do the same powerboost pedal to eq the KD. Is that different result?

    Not so quick.

    Sorry I don't want to troll lightbox..I get his point and he is partly right.

    I tried the klon only once for some hours and despite the graphs we saw here in the video above for me the klon had a "mid bump".In my ears.By far not as much as the TS but much more than other pedals

    which I have used which are indeed also "by ear" more neutral.

    But again..since I am no pedal guy I will not say that lightbox is wrong.He just is not "100% right".Anyway..

  • you tested the powerboost pedal to eq the Klon pedal

    No, the Power Boost pedal is an overdrive in its own right, I did not use it to EQ the Centura and didn't use the Centura to EQ the Power Boost. They are completely separate beasts. None of them is a Tubescreamer style pedal and each of them is very different from each other.

    What I tried to show is that the Kemper Drive certainly gives lots of flexibility for a Tubescreamer style/category pedal ... but it isn't one stomp that can cover all flavours of overdrive pedals, because it can't.

    for me the klon had a "mid bump"

    It CAN have a mid bump if it's set completely "the wrong way". But you'll not find any serious pro musician and Klon Centaur owner who would do that. One more time ... Volume is key and then a very careful use of Gain and Treble. If you do it that way, you'll experience the beautiful low end and slight low mids push for that warm but still wonderfully open and "true" sound. True to the guitar AND the amp used.

    Personally, I absolutely hate Tubescreamers with a passion because they cut the legs and arms of a good guitar sound. Reminds me of the black knight in Monty Python's holy grail. But that's certainly personal taste.

  • What I tried to show is that the Kemper Drive certainly gives lots of flexibility for a Tubescreamer style/category pedal ... but it isn't one stomp that can cover all flavours of overdrive pedals, because it can't.

    What features would you like to see Kemper add to the KD so that it can cover more flavours of overdrive pedals?