Low-cut and Hi-cut for every different Output

  • Oh hopp, was für ein Gequatsche.

    Es wurde doch oft genug besprochen.

    Wenn Ihr bei Kemper keinen Bock habt, so etwas in die Software zu implementieren, dann sagt es einfach.

    Es gibt Gitarristen, die würden so etwas gerne nutzen und sehen einen Sinn darin.

    Vielleicht sollte Eure komplette Software-Abteilung mal jedes Wochenende live Musik machen.

    Dann würde die ein oder andere Frage nach Sinn oder Problemen, die Ihr seht bzw. stellt, ganz schnell geklärt.

  • This is an English thread? So please stick to English.

    We are constantly enhancing the product and adding meaningfull functionality.

    We don't intend to add switches and selections and options just because we can. It might just increase the complexity for every user without adding value to them. So, I don't think it's unfair to ask for a description of the concrete problem, if somebody suggests a concrete solution. We have all seen cases, where problems could already be effectively adressed with existing functionality. Or others, where an even more effective solution could be implemented.

  • This is an English thread? So please stick to English.

    We are constantly enhancing the product and adding meaningfull functionality.

    We don't intend to add switches and selections and options just because we can. It might just increase the complexity for every user without adding value to them. So, I don't think it's unfair to ask for a description of the concrete problem, if somebody suggests a concrete solution. We have all seen cases, where problems could already be effectively adressed with existing functionality. Or others, where an even more effective solution could be implemented.

    You already read all the arguments in the other post.

    So it‘s a cheek to ask for this arguments again.

    As a customer I feel „verarscht“.

  • Right now the HP & LP work on all outputs or nothing I believe. I thought as well that it would be nice to have them separated from mains & monitor too. That way for instance you could leave the mains alone if they are fine but if your stage monitor cab got a bit woofy you could filter it without changing the main signal. I realize there are other ways of doing this, but a lot of times I like LP/HP filters for quick "global" type fixes for different rooms. With all the amazing controls on this unit and the ability to separate main and monitor sounds I was surprised this wasn't implemented.

  • Right now the HP & LP work on all outputs or nothing I believe. I thought as well that it would be nice to have them separated from mains & monitor too. That way for instance you could leave the mains alone if they are fine but if your stage monitor cab got a bit woofy you could filter it without changing the main signal. I realize there are other ways of doing this, but a lot of times I like LP/HP filters for quick "global" type fixes for different rooms. With all the amazing controls on this unit and the ability to separate main and monitor sounds I was surprised this wasn't implemented.

    Well, these are the arguments the company denies.

  • I also would like separate high- and lowcuts for each output.

    The sound from my Dynachord AXM12 floor Monitor differs much from headphone or FOH.

    I set the LowCut to 110Hz and the HighCut to 5500Hz.

    This works very well for FOH and headphone, but not for my monitor.

    Monitor is too boomey and still to harsh.

    I could fix this by filtering in the AXM itself.

    But I do not want to, there´s a simple reason :

    I am using this monitor for my voice, too.

    I can mix 3 sources within the monitor, but the tone controls are global.

    So I also ask for a separated HighCut and LowCut for monitor output.

    Best regards


    Best regards


    Jam it ! 8o

  • Right now the HP & LP work on all outputs or nothing I believe. I thought as well that it would be nice to have them separated from mains & monitor too. That way for instance you could leave the mains alone if they are fine but if your stage monitor cab got a bit woofy you could filter it without changing the main signal. I realize there are other ways of doing this, but a lot of times I like LP/HP filters for quick "global" type fixes for different rooms. With all the amazing controls on this unit and the ability to separate main and monitor sounds I was surprised this wasn't implemented.

    Agree 100%. I'm hoping that this is something that Kemper adds to a new firmware update. There are certain rooms where I need to adjust the EQ cuts to my own personal monitor without effecting my FOH mix and it's impossible to do so right now. It sounds like it would be somewhat easy to add, right?