Is Kemper Support open/online???? I'm not getting ANY responses in last week.

  • Hi, I opened a ticket (Ticket ##KA00197213) around early September as my input on my Kemper stage stopped working. Kemper was quick to reply and eventually we agreed that I had to send my Kemper to Germany. I'm in Canada. It costs almost $500 to ship my Kemper to Germany. So, I took my Kemper to my local music store who has a resident tech that fixes pretty much anything electronic. He was trying to get a schematic from Kemper or at least wanted to know the part number of the input circuit so that he could order one. SO, fast forward 4 weeks and I reply to the same ticket threat I had with Kemper support and no reply. Tried again, no reply. Days are passing, I check my JUNK MAIL folders, NOTHING. So, I opened another ticket with Kemper referencing my other open ticket. Not getting any replies. I've now been without my Kemper for over two months now, meanwhile a friend of mine in USA can get his Kemper sent to get fixed to a US location in a matter of a week or two. But I have to send mine to Germany at an insane cost???? This is just crazy. I want to buy another Kemper as a replacement but now very worried that this could happen to me again. Hoping somebody from Kemper support will read this. I'm in Canada btw. Willing to pay whatever shipping it is to send it to USA to get fixed.


    A very frustrated Kemper user with very limited options right now......;(;(;(;(;(;(:wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:

    Guitar & amp junkie from Ottawa, Canada

    Edited once, last by coughlinkelly (October 15, 2020 at 9:57 PM).

  • Generally, our US based team takes care of repairs of units shipped to Canada. The German team handles repairs in Europe.

    The first colleague involved in your case didn't realize right from the beginning, that you are located in Canada, but then he did and sent you a message on October 9th, that he will involve our US based organisation and he did the same day. Our US general manager is involved and they will get in touch with you asap. Sorry, for the delay!

    Your Stage is covered by our 36 months manufacturer warranty anyhow.

  • Generally, our US based team takes care of repairs of units shipped to Canada. The German team handles repairs in Europe.

    The first colleague involved in your case didn't realize right from the beginning, that you are located in Canada, but then he did and sent you a message on October 9th, that he will involve our US based organisation and he did the same day. Our US general manager is involved and they will get in touch with you asap. Sorry, for the delay!

    Your Stage is covered by our 36 months manufacturer warranty anyhow.

    Thanks Burkhard. I've been checking my junk mail folders for weeks and can honestly say I never got a reply from the German office. I did get an email on Friday from the US based team with a UPS label, now I'm just waiting for the letter for customs that I attach to the box. I can't thank you enough for your help here. Cheers

    Guitar & amp junkie from Ottawa, Canada