Final Stage / Power Amp for the Kemper Profiler

  • Hi Kempers

    I have a Kemper Head without the power unit build in. I'm looking for a final stage / power amp for at home and in a bandroom (no life gigs or concerts). I guess I can buy a third party product? or do I really need the Kemper power unit? also If I wanna use the Kemper Cabinet?

    If not, what should I have to note when buying such a third party final stage / power amp? How many power? Connections / Interfaces? Manufactures recommandations?

    Thank you guys so much for helping me out =)

  • I don't have 24VDC, so 230VAC would be nice. Is every active Pedal / Stomp always 24VDC? or are there 230VAC versions aswell?

    And for example the Kemper Cabinet is 200W rms, so I need a 200W power amp?

  • I don't have 24VDC, so 230VAC would be nice. Is every active Pedal / Stomp always 24VDC? or are there 230VAC versions aswell?

    And for example the Kemper Cabinet is 200W rms, so I need a 200W power amp?

    RMS is always dependable in the efficiency of the system running it, so technically you would need MORE than a 200W to bust a kemper kone. Back to the original question, I have been discovering recently, that any linear power amp will do fine, there are some more linear than others, some noisier than others, but mostly anything can be sorted out to sound fine.

    Now on recommendations, Kemper himself recommends a class D amp, as those by design are pretty linear, transparent and straightfoward, dynamics will come from the kemper itself, so putting a tube amp or A/B amp in front might be overkill, but also works fine.

    Specific recommendations on here are as follows:

    For Kabinet specificly:

    ISP Stealth

    Seymour duncan powerstage 200 (or 170)

    Bluguitar Amp1

    BAM200 (sold as a bass mini amphead, but it is a class D with mosfet preamp, pretty transparent)

    If you have the money:

    Matrix GT1000FX (GT800FX is also good but discontinued)

    Fryette PS2

    Powerstage 700

    The DIY route:

    ICEPower modules (50ASX2/BTL , 125ASX2, 250ASX2)

    Any Class D design or taken out from any PA system.

    Myself, I have a 125ASX2 stereo amp I made (works great, but I have some issues with it I need to correct), had a Hotone Loudster (sold), just Bought a BAM200, and tried the bluguitar Amp1 but was out of my budget.

    Everything works ok of what I have tried.

    The answer is 42

  • The Bluguitar Amp1 is more like a tube power amp since it's a current feedback amp. It's not going to be linear and transparent, and is not advised for use with the Kemper if you want authentic sounds that don't double up on tube power amp effects.

  • The Bluguitar Amp1 is more like a tube power amp since it's a current feedback amp. It's not going to be linear and transparent, and is not advised for use with the Kemper if you want authentic sounds that don't double up on tube power amp effects.

    So are the Fryette amps, still they are used with the kemper. As I mention in my post, tube and A/B amps are overkill. But if you get a good sound out of it, then it should be ok to use. As a matter of fact, before doing my 125ASX2 amp, I ran my kemper trough my Fender Deluxe Reverb, it did work wonders and had a great tone, not a transparent linear one, but a good tone. Amp1 might not be the most linear, but it sounded good to my ears and a lot of people think so. It isnt my first or second option anyway.

    The answer is 42

  • Ah oh... I jut found out that my question is definitely not a easy question....

    The DIY route

    whats that?

    and yeah I believe a tube amp is not the way to go after a kemper. I need a amplifier with the fewest sound coloration.

  • Ah oh... I jut found out that my question is definitely not a easy question....

    whats that?

    and yeah I believe a tube amp is not the way to go after a kemper. I need a amplifier with the fewest sound coloration.

    Do It Yourself route. You can find the same module that the powered kemper uses inside or something similar (normally a class D amp with integrated power block) and make it work with a bit of electrical craftsmanship and knowledge (its not as hard as it seems). But again, not recommended if you have never done it before.

    About Power amp classes, yes, it is a big topic, but what you should know every class has different ways to beheave, class D is pretty linear by design, but that does not excent the others to work wonders with the kemper, the matrix amplifiers are regarded as some of the best amps for guitar amplification of modelers, and they are A/B. You can use whatever, the recommendations are those above, but to be hones, YMMV, as I said, I had great results running my kemper trough my deluxe reverb.

    The answer is 42

  • So I guess the Kemper power unit is a class D amplifier? Or what is it?


    Is linear behavior and no sound coloring the same?

    It is D amplifier, to be exact, it is a 250ASX2 icepower module, in BTL mode, with a unblanced to balanced converter.

    And normally yes, a linear amp has no eq coloring the sound and a almost 1:1 response (perfect linearity does not exist in power amplifying).

    The answer is 42

  • I prefer a fully functional product.

    Harley Benton GPA-400 is this a good one? How can I see the linearity of the amp? only on product reviews? on the manufacture website?

    GPA-400 Should be totally ok, it is class D so it shoulf work as expected, most guitar gear manufacturers do not specify the specs clearly (as bandwith and thd) but harley benton does and it looks fine, so, roll with it if you can get it.

    The answer is 42

  • Hi GuitarOfJustice,

    I had same dilemma few months ago. If you want to go Kemper -> Power Amp -> Kabinet or cabinet with Kone or FRFR AND don't want to folow DIY route (as mentioned/described above) than you really need D class amplifier. Possible (and cost reasonable) options in my knowledge are:

    - Seymoure Duncan Power Stage 170

    - Harley Benton Thunder 99

    - Hotone Loudster (this is what I have chosen and am very happy with it)

    - ... there is another newly announced product from Harley Benton called GPA 100 which looks not bad

    Also very popular here is TC Electronic BAM 200, however it is designed for bass and is not linear, so you need some EQ tweeking.

    I hope this short list will help you with the decision.

    Edited once, last by vjelen (October 11, 2020 at 10:07 AM).

  • 1/4 jack on/off ice power socket, I used the Icepower connector kit. Simple to wirethis is ama

    Thanks so much. One last question. Can you control the amp volume or is it always ? and you adjust the output of the modeler/device?