noisy buttons

  • hello,

    I'm just asking myself why every time I use a remote button I have to hear a very noisy "click" (with a sort of natural acoustic resonance of the spring luckily mine is tuned A )... sometimes the answer is: "to be you sure you push it!!"... and I say bullsh**!!

    It will be as if I bought a guitar that every time I hit a C it says "C" or "note"...or make a sound to tell me I hit a note... if I consider Kemepr remote as an instrument I'm supposed to develop a certain kind of sensibility and technique that would bypass the doubt: "did I really push that button"... instead my sensibility now is directed to "I have to play loud to hide the click" :evil:

    by the way does anyone managed a way to soften this click




  • Hellu

    I think there´s a lot of pedals out there that has noisy buttons ,

    mostly the ones with latch type buttons, not momentary buttons :/

    So not only a Kemper "problem" .....

    My Voodoo Lab Pro buttons makes a little noice, but nothing that bother

    me even at low volume, and nothing that can be heard when recording :)

    Maybe you can attach some sound absorbent material to the

    sheet metal inside to limit the resonance ? :/

    And I´m almost 100% sure that any of my guitars would make a sound when I hit a note ;)

    Cheers !

    The adjective for metal is metallic. But not so for iron ... which is ironic.

  • record "live" in the studio with for example an acoustic jazz trio, you will find out that you hear every switch on the recording.

    another example: gig with a vocalist in a lively room like a church: you will hear every click from the buttons for several seconds

    i always end up using some old boss and ibanez pedals, which allow silent switching.

  • this thread made me wonder if I was missing something so I dragged out my old pedal board to A/B against. Yes I can hear the Remote switches but not anymore than my RJM Mastermind, Strymon Timeline and Mobius, Fulltone Fulldrive, Digitech Whammy etc. I found one or two pedals that were quieter but these were definitely in the minority.