Weird noise when using certain clean profiles

  • Hi everybody,

    I’m having an issue with my Kemper stage. When using certain clean profiles I get this extra high frequencies underneath the signal, I’m not sure if I can call it digital clipping, it sounds a bit like as if there’s the clean processed sound is mixed with a direct signal, or like an acoustic plugged in. I can’t explain it very well. I have had this before about a year ago and it turned out to be the guitar cable, which was very odd because that cable seemed to be fine. Does anybody know what i mean? I’m noticing it most with profiles like ‘Twinery verb nb1’ by tone junkie for example.. it’s not the guitar, I tried a couple. Did a complete factory reset, also didn’t work...

  • I understand it's quite difficult to understand what I'm trying to explain, so hereby an audio example. I hope anybody can tell either if it's audible or I'm just weird. ;)

    This is Tone Junkies Twinery Verb NB1 by the way, on a strat (neck position).

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  • Thank you so much for making that effort, I really appreciatie it!

    But what I do not understand is why, all of a sudden, I would need to use an eq to fix those frequencies while it has always sounded just awesome before.. these frequencies where never an issue..

  • Thank you so much for making that effort, I really appreciatie it!

    But what I do not understand is why, all of a sudden, I would need to use an eq to fix those frequencies while it has always sounded just awesome before.. these frequencies where never an issue..

    May be Burkhard can answer this.
    In your case I would record a dry guitar signal und using the reamping function to compar before and after upgrade.
    Can you compare with a other Kemper ?

    Be the force with you ;)

  • It turns out to be the input of the Kemper. A few times disconnecting and connecting the guitar cable it suddenly works normal again.. exactly what happened last year as well, I blamed the cable but I also realized that cable wasn’t really bad. I wonder if it will happen again..

  • It turns out to be the input of the Kemper. A few times disconnecting and connecting the guitar cable it suddenly works normal again.. exactly what happened last year as well, I blamed the cable but I also realized that cable wasn’t really bad. I wonder if it will happen again..

    For most audio gear I'd recommend Caig DeOxit at this point. Really tough to beat this product; it's an absolute-miracle IMHO.

    It'd be extremely-rare for it not to be OK, but I've learned the hard way making recommendations without the company's blessing, so please wait and hopefully Burkhard will confirm that it's safe to do this.


    Come to think of it, knowing how great Kemper service is, I wouldn't be surprised if the company offered to replace the jack for free so you may end up with a choice of going without your unit for a couple 'o weeks or using the DeOxit.

    We'll see what Burkhard says.