just got a mission ep1 kp

  • i just got the pedal dont have the cables yet,but i thught i seen some where it said you could use 2 trs cables.but i watch video and it say you need 1 trs and 1 ts.will 2 trs work?

  • Use TRS for pedal and TS for the switch. TRS cable on the switch will not work

    Edit- TRS on the switch does work, TS as well. Tested with a different cable

    Edited once, last by drog: Updated information after testing (August 5, 2020 at 4:07 PM).

  • All the switch inside the pedal does is closing the contact between tip and sleeve momentarily. So a TS cable (tip/sleeve) is sufficient.

    I currently have no Mission pedal available, but have no clue why this shouldn't work with a TRS cable. If I plug a TRS cable into one of the PEDAL sockets configured for Mono Switch, closing the contacts between tip and sleeve switches whatever is assigned to it. The ring contact and wire isn't required but doesn't hurt.

    The other way around expression pedals need three electrical contacts (tip, ring, sleeve) and don't work with a TS-cable.