Recording clean signal

  • Hello,

    I bought kemper just weeks ago and I absolutely love it. However there is one thing which I am not able to solve - when working with BIAS FX, I can still change the effects after the guitar was recorded. In case of KPA this is not possible of course, I never wanted this feature and never considered it in the past. However, as I am trying lot of profiles and finding "my" sound, maybe I changed my mind and I want it :) Would you have some idea how to achieve this?

    - when recording, I would like to hear distorted signal along with backing track (this works in my current setup)

    - I would like to record clean signal in cubase as a separate track

    - I would like to be able still to change settings in my KPA later when everything recorded when playing the project in cubase

    I am about to check the types of all outputs on my KPA, but maybe someone already has this setup?

  • You can set up many different scenarios to achieve what you want and configure each and every output of the Kemper to a certain kind of signal - just have a look at the Output menu and all the pages in it.

    As Ingolf said SPDIF is a very good way to do it. I use Cubase as well and record all the time via SPDIF. 2 mono tracks. One with the Dry signal for reamping, VSTs etc. and one with the Stack signal, i.e. Kemper sound but without post effects. Sometimes I even record a third track with Stack but without Cab via one analog out in order to mess around with IRs in Cubase.

    Somebody here on the forum published a pretty good step-by-step guide for Reamping via SPDIF. Use the search function of the forum please to look for SPDIF and reamping. You'll probably find some stuff.