Freeze issue

  • I have my mission engineering pedal set to morph and then I have the stomp button set to freeze. Whenever I engage the freeze function I can’t play over top of it because the signal changes to a dry signal. I understand that the freeze function is using the delay and reverb but is there a way to play over top of the freeze pad sound?

  • Appreciate the help! The mission pedal is new so I don’t think that’s it . I have a TS cable for the switch and TRS for the morph input. I can click the switch on the pedal but i can’t play a wet signal on top of it. It’s like the freeze function uses those delay and reverb and I’m stuck with a boring dry signal.

  • What you describe is the nature of Freeze. From the Main Manual:

    ¨   Freeze

    "Freeze" is an Action & Freeze function, which turns the delay into an endless loop. The delay track will be repeated without losing or gaining level, and without sound degradation. The input of the delay is cut, so no further signal is added to the delay, allowing you to play along to the loop.


    In contrast to the Freeze function, Infinity Feedback still lets you add more signal to the delay, creating intermodulation with the repeated signal.

  • I have freeze applied to just the delay, so it freezes the delay sound only so that when I play on top of it, I can still have reverb on that adds to the ambience. I believe after OS 7 or 6 they may have changed the way things froze, so I had to revert to an older OS.

  • It makes a difference, if you control Freeze via Effect Button I-IIII of Remote/Stage or via an external button, e.g. the toe switch of a Mission Engineering pedal.

    External buttons control Freeze globally, so in all effects of the Rig currently loaded. There is no way to assign an external button to Freeze of a particuar module.

    The Effect Buttons I-IIII can be assigned to Freeze in a particular module.

  • I have freeze applied to just the delay, so it freezes the delay sound only so that when I play on top of it, I can still have reverb on that adds to the ambience. I believe after OS 7 or 6 they may have changed the way things froze, so I had to revert to an older OS.

    Using OS 7.5 beta here; the legacy delay and legacy reverb don't have a freeze option, so they can be used for the ambience. So it's possible to use an external footswitch to control the freeze in a delay/reverb effect place in (for example) the mod slot, and have a normal delay and reverb running as well in their traditional slots.

    However, the fancy delays and 'verbs all have freeze.

  • Using OS 7.5 beta here; the legacy delay and legacy reverb don't have a freeze option, so they can be used for the ambience. So it's possible to use an external footswitch to control the freeze in a delay/reverb effect place in (for example) the mod slot, and have a normal delay and reverb running as well in their traditional slots.

    However, the fancy delays and 'verbs all have freeze.

    It makes a difference, if you control Freeze via Effect Button I-IIII of Remote/Stage or via an external button, e.g. the toe switch of a Mission Engineering pedal.

    External buttons control Freeze globally, so in all effects of the Rig currently loaded. There is no way to assign an external button to Freeze of a particuar module.

    The Effect Buttons I-IIII can be assigned to Freeze in a particular module.

    Thanks guys. I use an external midi footswitch and I had to revert to the older OS because I could freeze the delay or freeze the reverb separately depending on which one is on. So for example, I would just start with just delay, press freeze and then it would repeat the delay. And then I would turn on the reverb so that any noodling I do would have the reverb.

    I tried with OS 6 or 7 and once I turned on the reverb it would freeze it, so I had to go back to a version that did support separate freezing using an external midi footswitch. I don't have the remote and am playing on an old toaster. Is this still the case with the 7.5?

    Appreciate your feedback guys!

    Edited once, last by Amaze-B (July 11, 2020 at 6:54 PM).

  • I'm not using a midi footswitch here, just a TRS dual footswitch but I think our experience is the same. Also on an old toaster, OS 7.5, if I have a delay and reverb set and each has the freeze option available, selecting 'freeze' with the footswitch will toggle the freeze on/off for both.

    An interesting thing is that you can set freeze on a particular effect independently with the corresponding soft button above the kemper display. So with a freeze-capable delay and reverb, you can engage the footswitch, turning on freeze for both, then (while in the reverb menu) disengage the reverb freeze with the soft button. Tapping the footswitch again will turn freeze off for delay but on for reverb.

    This isn't very useful, in my opinion, because even if you can assign another switch to disable the reverb block, it involves a good bit of tap-dancing if you want to change your freeze chord and re-engage a wet sound.

    As I've said in my previous post, the best option for me is to use the 'Legacy Reverb' type, since it doesn't have the freeze option and will therefore provide a wet sound whether or not the freeze is engaged on another block.

  • Older delays and reverbs had no Freeze as JAC already indicated. You are free to use Legacy Delay or Legacy Reverb without freeze.

    If we wanted to have dedicated MIDI cc numbers for each Action&Freeze comand by module, we might run out of cc numbers. If you are able to send NRPN, you should be able to trigger those by module.

  • Thanks JAC and Burkhard ! I'll give it a shot and see how it goes. In actual practice, I've found that I only need the freeze for delay to create a decent pad sound and then leave the reverb on for noodling purposes. Maybe I'll try getting everything set back up again in the latest OS. Thanks for the helpful advice, as always, Kemper Community!

  • One non freeze reverb in usual slot at end.

    Another reverb (I use Ionospher cos its BIG!) in X position and operate freeze on that.

    I assume you're wanting a drone to play over? Mine sounds wonderful!

    BUT! whats the best way to turn it on or off remotely?

    Perfect scenario for me would be an external foot switch in say 3 on remote.

    What's a good pedal to use and how?

    BTW this on Beta 7.5