Pete Thorns Amps in the zone Steve Vai's Jose

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    Not sure how many of you have seen this but its very cool. I tried to re-create the tone in the middle of the clip where Pete creates his own song.

    I used 2 RE profiles, started with the Jose Arredondo from Craig Sorrenti and used the cab from Marshall JCM800 Mod from Alan (similar speakers to what Pete used).

    I'm not sure if I'm going deaf but with my setup (listed below), I think I got close. I made a few tweaks, but if anyone wants to give it a crack and let me know what you think. I don't think I have broken any rules because both were free profiles but I didn't want to put it on the RE all the same. If this is an issue for anyone please let me know.

    G&L Strat (with Seymour custom shop pup), maple neck and fingerboard, into Kemper then from main out into Alto TS112 powered speaker, also from the monitor out to a Crate Powerblock into a Blackstar 2x12 with Celestion 70/80 speakers just slighter lower in volume than the Alto to give me a bit more live feel. This is all at home volume so not sure how it will go cranked.

    P.S The effects were just some random ones pulled from another profile just to give me some reverb and delay rather than trying to match those Mr Thorn used.

    T-Man JMP Jose Arredondo Mod 3 - 2020-05-25

  • tryhardhack Thanks for this. I've been hoping there would be some kind of profile of this amp or close to it. I think the tone especially at the beginning of the video, is amazing. I use 2 Alto TS210 so it should be good.


    Kemper toaster >Kemper remote> 2 x Alto TS310 powered speakers Furman M-8XAR

  • rik777 I think he may have used a different cab at the start to get that tone for Shyboy because he says "for the second video, I used my blackback loaded cab", it does sound different to my ears from the first vid but it could be the effects and how he mixed it to that backing track.

    Let me know how you go once you've checked it out.

  • Just an addendum to anyone interested in this. I just realized that my pure cab was on, not sure how maybe with one of the updates? Anyways for those that don't use pure cab this profile may now sound different to what I had initially eq'd and possibly changed harmonically as well. I cant test it right now because i moved my kemper downstairs due to illness and can only listen through headphones. Apologies if I've wasted anyones time. Cheers

  • Hey tryhardhack your test profile at 25:43 comparison. Yours is close. I think the profile is missing depth, hard to describe. But all in all it's a great attempt! I'm using the 2 Alto TS210 to try it out.


    Kemper toaster >Kemper remote> 2 x Alto TS310 powered speakers Furman M-8XAR

  • Good work, look forward to giving it a try. I was hoping Pete might release a profile of this amp, but I don't think Dave would appreciate it (not a Kemper fan) nor Steve being he's tied in with a couple of other companies.

    But surely Pete made a profile for himself, how could you not?

  • tryhardhack it's more of the depth in the tone in the actual profile. I can't quite describe what I'm hearing or not hearing. Maybe it's a warmth thing rather than depth? I appreciate you sharing and doing the work. It is close i think.


    Kemper toaster >Kemper remote> 2 x Alto TS310 powered speakers Furman M-8XAR

  • tryhardhack a space parameter for more stereo wide effect would be to use a dual delay in Stomp X (or before the other effects, but after the amp section). Add 30ms to one channel of the mentioned delay and 0ms to the other, No feedback at all for both channels of the delay. All other parameters of this delay at zero, exept stereo wich should be put to 200%. dont use 100, but 98% in the mix, you will hear the difference.

    Other delays or reverbs at your choice but afterwards.

    Of course this is valid for in Ears, headphones, stereo studio monitors, PA etc, for all devices which can handle a stereo effect.

  • hafi19 I have checked out all the Jose rigs on RE, I think there is even a JCM800 modded one on there. There is also a Dan Gower modded rig on the RE (which are similar to Jose Mods I believe) but none of them sound like the video I posted. It's like all the rigs out there, everyones versions are different, or else we wouldn't need a 1000 versions of a JCM800, or a BE100. I have found with my rig (at least) and with the tones I'm after, that 90% out there don't sound very good. Thanks for chiming in though, thats whats great about this place everyone is trying to help each other in our mad pursuit of chasing the tones in our heads.

    Btw has anyone besides rik777 tried it? Tonight I hooked everything back up and I think for the particular rig I posted, pure cab "on" sounds closer to the vid ;(. It feels like it loses some mids and girth with it off. I'll have to play around with the EQ's again and see if I can get closer.

  • hafi19 I have checked out all the Jose rigs on RE, I think there is even a JCM800 modded one on there. There is also a Dan Gower modded rig on the RE (which are similar to Jose Mods I believe) but none of them sound like the video I posted. It's like all the rigs out there, everyones versions are different, or else we wouldn't need a 1000 versions of a JCM800, or a BE100. I have found with my rig (at least) and with the tones I'm after, that 90% out there don't sound very good. Thanks for chiming in though, thats whats great about this place everyone is trying to help each other in our mad pursuit of chasing the tones in our heads.

    Btw has anyone besides rik777 tried it? Tonight I hooked everything back up and I think for the particular rig I posted, pure cab "on" sounds closer to the vid ;(. It feels like it loses some mids and girth with it off. I'll have to play around with the EQ's again and see if I can get closer.

    I totally agree with you about the 90% Jose rigs in RE. Girth is what I think is missing in your profile. I didn't touch the pure cab on mine.


    Kemper toaster >Kemper remote> 2 x Alto TS310 powered speakers Furman M-8XAR