Tip #2: Delete Profiles

  • 1000 profiles may sound like a lot of fun ...

    -Startup is so much faster if only a few profiles installed
    -It's fun to try a lot profiles - but a good advice is to delete most of them later
    -It's much faster to find a nice profile if only nice profiles are stored in the KPA
    -It's much more fun to create and/or modify your own profiles - and optimize your set of maybe 50 profiles
    -I ask myself is my main goal to collect profiles or to play the guitar :rolleyes:
    -Who the hell needs 1000 profiles :D:P

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • It's absolutely necessary to have at least 2000 profiles, and 5000 speaker choices...

    I don't enjoy playing anymore, I just enjoy looking at the thousands of Euros worth of amps I have and that makes me happy :!: :D :!:

    Leg em down and yackem smackem

  • I think I really am stating to play with the amps and not play much guitar... the honeymoon has to end somewhere...

    I've noticed that a lot of amps can be made to sound about the same so I don't find a lot of different tones in there... the blackface dimed really does have it's own sound, and the recto 3.. I find that changing cabs and using the cab eq section really helps sculpt the tone more than changing amps...

    People might have a couple of problems with the Kemper but I can't praise it enough, I mean if you have a mic'd amp cranked, I'm sure it's hard to get a smooth noise free tone through the mic and cables etc etc...plus feedback, tone reflections, deafness :)

    Leg em down and yackem smackem

  • For the Mac users out there, I found this free program to extract and then put the backup file together again:


    I'm not near my KPA at the moment, but I was able to open the backup file by adding ".tar" to the end of it, and use the "extractor" function of Gui-Tar. It successfully extracted the backup with all the folders, etc. intact.

    I'll report back when I try to put it back on my KPA.

    With a name like GUI-Tar, it HAS to work, right? :D

  • For the Mac users out there, I found this free program to extract and then put the backup file together again:


    I'm not near my KPA at the moment, but I was able to open the backup file by adding ".tar" to the end of it, and use the "extractor" function of Gui-Tar. It successfully extracted the backup with all the folders, etc. intact.

    I'll report back when I try to put it back on my KPA.

    With a name like GUI-Tar, it HAS to work, right? :D

    Thanks for this.
    I hope it works

  • I ended up using GUI-tar to extract the backup, and BetterZip to put it back together in an uncompressed .tar file. As far as I can tell, GUI-tar only archives in a compressed file, but I'll try it again tonight when I have time. I had an issue with the KPA not recognizing the altered backup, but then realized I didn't remove the ".tar" tag at the end of the file name. You have to right click on the re-archived backup file, then "get info" then show the file extension to take it off.

    The KPA restored the backup with no problems after that.

    I edited almost all the rig names in OSX, but the KPA reads the name from the tag info unfortunately. Anybody know of a quick way to edit the tags? I'd prefer to name my rigs based upon the profiled amp for easier sorting, ie "Fender," "Cornford," etc in front of the rig name.

  • I ended up using GUI-tar to extract the backup, and BetterZip to put it back together in an uncompressed .tar file. As far as I can tell, GUI-tar only archives in a compressed file, but I'll try it again tonight when I have time. I had an issue with the KPA not recognizing the altered backup, but then realized I didn't remove the ".tar" tag at the end of the file name. You have to right click on the re-archived backup file, then "get info" then show the file extension to take it off.

    The KPA restored the backup with no problems after that.

    I edited almost all the rig names in OSX, but the KPA reads the name from the tag info unfortunately. Anybody know of a quick way to edit the tags? I'd prefer to name my rigs based upon the profiled amp for easier sorting, ie "Fender," "Cornford," etc in front of the rig name.

    I tried this several times yesterday with the new firmware, and it didn't work. The Kemper recognized the backup file, went through the restore process, and when it rebooted all I had was the Initialised Rig. I restored the factory rigs on via the soft button under System and figured I'd start over. I had two profiles in my shared folder on the USB and imported them, then got the message that over 600 profiles had been added. All my profiles I thought I had lost were added back in. Very strange.

    Can't wait until some sort of mac/pc based manager is available. Even a simple interface to at least delete profiles would be a help.

    Honestly, I could probably get by with a few select profiles and a selection of TillS and And44 cabs, but the over abundance of great rigs available is too tempting. I feel like I need to join a Kemper anonymous support group.

  • From 798 down to 460, half way down... 8o :D Target is set at 50 gigging rigs and 100-120 inspirational ones.

    ...and then I have the space to get a few stuff from Andy... :D :D :D :D

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff