finally it is here.. very curious how this will work and help in real life!
EZ Bass - Toontrack
Niiiiice!! I'm a big fan of EZDrummer, Superior3 and EZKeys. This is a GREAT news!
These guys do excellent work all around.
I very excite about this new pluguin , Im fan of the ezkey and superior drummer
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I'm so hyped.. It'd really solve my main problem with recording/producing songs these day.
Can't wait.
Great idea but the only problem with bass plugins is the same as with guitar plugins, they don't sound realistic enough. Sure you can lower the bass plugin to mask it but nothing can replace a real bass guitar. The same is true also with all drum plugins. Great tools for song writing or if you are alone. I know I use SD too and like it very much but still it can't be compared to a real drummer and the human feel. Another problem is drum plugins sound too good. Even raw drums from famous bands don't sound that good but mixed with the rest they can sound awsome.