OS 7 / Editor: ready for prime time?

  • Apologies for what I'm sure is a redundant post. I was following a thread to keep up with the discussion of the remaining bugs between the OS and editor but I've somehow unfollowed it and the search feature for the forums is of little help in this regard.

    With OS 7 and the editor combined being such a major release, I've been waiting for the dust to settle before upgrading as I only have one Kemper and prefer to wait for the stable versions. Are there still significant issues being worked out, or is it polished and ready to go? And if there are still issues, could someone please share the link for the discussion thread?


    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • its pretty good to be fair but there are still some issues with performances getting screwed up and favourites not saving etc. If those aren’t deal breakers for you then its great if they are then I think they will be fixed before too much longer and you will have a great experience.

    if you have a Kone or Kabinet then you need OS7 to take advantage. When I got the Kemper and started listening on studio monitors I though I was done with guitar cabs for ever but the Kabinet is a game changer. All the advantages of changing speakers but without the effect of close micing and the Kabinet weights next to nothing. I now spend over half my time listening via the Kabinet. Moving to OS7 is worth it for that alone.

  • its pretty good to be fair but there are still some issues with performances getting screwed up and favourites not saving etc. If those aren’t deal breakers for you then its great if they are then I think they will be fixed before too much longer and you will have a great experience.

    Yeah, I was hoping to avoid that sort of thing, which is why I've waiting. Do you know where the thread is that's been discussing the problems and progress? I can't seem to find it.

    if you have a Kone or Kabinet then you need OS7 to take advantage. When I got the Kemper and started listening on studio monitors I though I was done with guitar cabs for ever but the Kabinet is a game changer. All the advantages of changing speakers but without the effect of close micing and the Kabinet weights next to nothing. I now spend over half my time listening via the Kabinet. Moving to OS7 is worth it for that alone.

    Hey. Hands off my wallet!

    I swear, you guys are a bad influence... :)

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10