Input profiler stage

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    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • Input Noise gate is a general noise reduction on the input signal for removing guitar noise rather than a traditional noise gate. I would set it as low as you can get away with. I am not a super high gain player so mine is rarely about 2 or 3 but others may use it differently.


    KEMPER PROFILER Main Manual 7.0

    This knob controls the Noise Gate, which eliminates the noise and hum of your guitar in a very smart way. Turn the NOISE GATE knob to the right until noise and hum have disappeared; do not turn it beyond that point, as this might alter the sound of your guitar. When set to the appropriate position, you will notice that noise and hum are eliminated, even when the strings are still sounding. There is no need for an additional release control as found in classic noise gates. The Noise Gate settings can be stored as part of a Rig.

    Like "Clean Sens", the Noise Gate setting is part of the Input Section and is stored with the Rig. It is also stored as part of any input preset. When the Input Section is locked, the noise gate is locked as well.

    There isn't a dedicated input gain to control what hits the AD converters but Clean Sense has an effect on this. Fortunately, the KPA input is quite forgiving so you don't need to get too obsessive about input level.

    The main use of Clean Sense is as a global balance between clean and distorted sounds. If clean sounds are all too loud compared to distorted sounds reduce Clean Sense. If too quiet increase Clean Sense. Kemper say that most situations it should be set at 0 however, all of my guitars seem to sound way too loud on clean profiles so I usually run mine around -7db. The correct setting for one person won't be the correct one for someone else. In fact the correct setting may vary from guitar to guitar. You can set it once and lock it or set a different value for each rig/performance if you change guitars a lot.

    Distortion sense is a global adjustment for distrotion. It doesn't affect level but compensates the gain within a profile for guitars with unsually loud or quiet pickups. This is usually set to 0 but can be adjusted to taste if required. It is intended as a means of matching a guitar to the profiler so is really a global setting not a something you would adjust on a rig by rig basis (unless you are changing guitars and they have wildly different output pickups).

    I really is a suck it and see menu that is best set with your ears rather than logic or preconcieved "correct" V "wrong".

  • Great explanation, thanks a lot! ??