First Re-Amp Session with Kemper and Question for Kemper Engrs.

  • So another first for me and my Kemper. I had a band that wanted to remix some sessions they did back in 1996!! This is a Blues/Reggie Project (the combo of tones actually works). At the time (96) I had the Guitar Player runnig direct from my Marshall JMP-1 set to Patch 52 - kind of a Plexi with medium gain. I pulled the reel up and transfered into Logic Pro 9 - I noticed that on some of the songs - the tone was a little to brittle for the song. So, I calculated the latency, took a line out of my Apogee, into the Kemper, Stereo out of the Kemper and into stereo channels on Apogee. I dailed up the Fender Twin Reverb Clean 1 patch, hit record then just tucked it under the Marshall - it did the trick just the right amount of natural sounding color without having to reach for the EQ! I recommedn this to anyone - is soooooooooo nice sounding :thumbup:

    Question to Christoph (or Kemper engineers) - I noticed on the way back into my Apogee from the Kemper - the meters (level) were only going 1/4 of the way up with volumes on Kemper set to Maximum without distorting (digital distortion = not good). I tried everything to get a hotter level into my Apogee Ensemble - but fell short - as I said - I turned up the Master Volume to 10 and channel vol to +- 7-8 - anything hotter clipped - I was seeing Amber on both the Input and Output - level of Ensemble Channels set to +4 - do you have a recommendation how I can get a hotter level back into Logic? ?(

    Kindest Regards,


  • Have you tried lowering the clean sense on the input menu of the kpa? I assume the level from Logic to the Kemper was a bit too hot... Just a guess!

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • I did try that - the funny thing is - when I run into my Soundcraft Sapphyr board using Kemper TRS outputs, I get really solid meters. But when I go into apogee ensemble barely nothing. I know, I know you're saying " well B! Have you setup the input on the ensemble correctly?". I say - I think so - for line in on the ensemble there are no level adjustments; not within Maestro. It relys upon the output level & volume of source. Question to Kemper Engineering - are the TRS AND XLR outputs on kemper both + 4 or do I need to setup something? Am I overlooking something

    Kind regards

    Edited once, last by blund69 (May 7, 2012 at 5:46 AM).

  • I did try that - the funny thing is - when I run into my Soundcraft Sapphyr board using Kemper TRS outputs, I get really solid meters. But when I go into apogee ensemble barely nothing. I know, I know you're saying " well B! Have you setup the input on the ensemble correctly?". I say - I think so - for line in on the ensemble there are no level adjustments; not within Maestro. It relys upon the output level & volume of source. Question to Kemper Engineering - are the TRS AND XLR outputs on kemper both + 4 or do I need to setup something? Am I overlooking something

    Kind regards

    Main Outs TS are +4dB unbalanced, while XLR are +10dB balanced. Hope this helps.