Hey Radley, your tour rig

  • Hey Radley
    I noticed from Fractal forum that you decided to take AxeFx II with you on your Neil Diamon tour. I'm sure it's a good decision for you, I used to own Axe, it's a robust, versatile and great sounding device.

    I understood that you were also considering KPA. Could you tell us what were the main factors for your decision?

    Have a great tour! I wish I could come and see, but it's a bit long way from here, the other side of Atlantic.

    rgrds -More

  • Well, if the tour is coming to South Africa like it did last time, I can assure you Hadley will be playing a Kemper live on stage...he need not bring his KPA, he can use mine and whatever other top of the range gear he needs on stage, including guitars, will be supplied free of charge. :)

    Tell em, Hadley, tell em. :D

  • Here the explanation from Radley on FAS:

    And for those who assumed my decision was a contest between the AFX II and the KPA, this was never the case. Although I have coaxed some fine sounds from my Kemper, it was never a serious consideration for touring because of various 'show-stopper' OS instabilities and noise problems, as well as the lack of midi.

  • Here the explanation from Radley on FAS:

    And for those who assumed my decision was a contest between the AFX II and the KPA, this was never the case. Although I have coaxed some fine sounds from my Kemper, it was never a serious consideration for touring because of various 'show-stopper' OS instabilities and noise problems, as well as the lack of midi.

    That statement surprised me a lot, meeting Hadley pretty often in this forum, seeing him contributing a lot and obviously receiving fine results.

  • Well, bottom line is that Radley is a mucisian of some wide range, lots of experience and playing and touring with a famous artist.
    Not trusting the KPA to have on tour, is somewhat bad, from my point of view.

    I strongly believe that CK and the gang, who have delivered a breakthrough product which we all enjoy and love, they are working to reverse this view of the KPA not being reliable in live (even though others had great experience with live gigs), due to freezes or midi cc compatibility, or whatever, e.t.c.
    This has to change the soonest possible.

    It is a pity and and unfair for the work they have done so far and keep on doing.

  • It is a pity and and unfair

    I don't think is a question of fairness, Hadley is a pro and he's big enough to decide what he wants to use on Tour. Even Larry Carlton goes on Tour with his Bludotone and the Dumble stays in studio. There are a lot of things to be taken in consideration when making a Tournee, not last that the artistic director and the producer are also part of those decisions. They are just tools, I see nothing negative for us or for the Kemper if Hadley decides to go on Tour with the Axe. Andy Innes has decided for the Kemper...so what? Does it make it better sounding? Or Hadley worse? IMHO, not....

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • I don't think is a question of fairness, Hadley is a pro and he's big enough to decide what he wants to use on Tour. Even Larry Carlton goes on Tour with his Bludotone and the Dumble stays in studio. There are a lot of things to be taken in consideration when making a Tournee, not last that the artistic director and the producer are also part of those decisions. They are just tools, I see nothing negative for us or for the Kemper if Hadley decides to go on Tour with the Axe. Andy Innes has decided for the Kemper...so what? Does it make it better sounding? Or Hadley worse? IMHO, not....

    This is why I like it here.
    Logic, reason, and objectiveness, dominate the conversations.

  • I don't think is a question of fairness, Hadley is a pro and he's big enough to decide what he wants to use on Tour. Even Larry Carlton goes on Tour with his Bludotone and the Dumble stays in studio. There are a lot of things to be taken in consideration when making a Tournee, not last that the artistic director and the producer are also part of those decisions. They are just tools, I see nothing negative for us or for the Kemper if Hadley decides to go on Tour with the Axe. Andy Innes has decided for the Kemper...so what? Does it make it better sounding? Or Hadley worse? IMHO, not....

    Clarification: the "pity and unfair" wasn't towards Radley, it was for the efforts KPA team are doing and still there's more to be done. I see none negative attitude on Radleys sayings.

    As for the rest, I have long experience as a musician myself to know what's required or not. No need to go into this.

    I hope that helps and clarifies things, Master :D !

  • Although I'd never choose the Axe over the KPA, the reliability issues and therefore the final decision based on this is absolutely acceptable, and this is the absolute main area that the KPA has to improve at...

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • What function do you miss?

    As often discussed and brought up in many topics and on top of many users' wishlists:
    A comprehensive chart of parameters that can be controlled by CC in Real time (like for example Delay Mix, Reverb Mix, Chorus Speed etc.

    Don't be so 'Apple', jailbreak the KPA! 8)

  • I hope that helps and clarifies things, Master :D !

    I'm not a master by a long shot! LOL! Quantity doesn't necessarily mean quality.. ;( :D Most of you guys have lot more experience then me on the music business, I'm very much aware of that. I'm just a bit more then a weekend warrior, I make some money with music but it is definitely not what is paying my bills at the end of the month.....

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • ?( ?( ?( :?: :?: :?: ....then the plugs in the back must be for game controllers... :D :D :D

    I believe he was meaning lack of CC for FX parameters. ;)

    Exactly, and the rumors of the KPA forgetting certain programmed midi functions - I am sorry for my unclear choice of words!

    A quick comment about posting on different boards: When I am here, I don't go raving about my AFX, and when I'm posting at Fractal I don't rave about the Kemper - this just seems appropriate to me, but I still try to be honest about it all. I am getting some *excellent* sounds from my KPA Amp profiles - basic sound is no longer an issue for me. It is the instabilities and question marks that keep me from entertaining the thought of taking it on the road for an extended tour. I honestly thought by now these issues would be in the past, but I realize Kemper is a small company and I really want to see them succeed. It does baffle me that the Amp/Profiling part can be so great, yet the supporting OS seems so far behind.... In the end, I believe Mr. Kemper is a brilliant man and so is his 'invention', but it looks like the OS has a lot of catching up to do and I hope it is sooner than later.

    PS: Let's hear it again for Andy and his beautiful profiles - I say Kemper needs him!!! 8o

    All modelers known to man 8o

    Edited once, last by Radley (May 4, 2012 at 8:09 PM).

  • A quick comment about posting on different boards: When I am here, I don't go raving about my AFX, and when I'm posting at Fractal I don't rave about the Kemper - this just seems appropriate to me, but I still try to be honest about it all. I am getting some *excellent* sounds from my KPA Amp profiles - basic sound is no longer an issue for me. It is the instabilities and question marks that keep me from entertaining the thought of taking it on the road for an extended tour. I honestly thought by now these issues would be in the past, but I realize Kemper is a small company and I really want to see them succeed. It does baffle me that the Amp/Profiling part can be so great, yet the supporting OS seems so far behind.... In the end, I believe Mr. Kemper is a brilliant man and so is his 'invention', but it looks like the OS has a lot of catching up to do and I hope it is sooner than later.

    PS: Let's hear it again for Andy and his beautiful profiles - I say Kemper needs him!!! 8o

    Thanks Hadley, that's what I though - so it's basically about maturity of the product.

    PS: Agree what you say about Andy, a profile wizard who really seem to understand how to get best out of KPA. I hope Kemper will find this talent! :thumbup: