Keyboard Control

  • This is probably going to be shot down now that the editor is here, but are there any plans to have more control of the Profiler via a USB keyboard? The basic options are useful especially for naming profiles etc but it would be great if "full" control (in lieu of using the potentiometers and buttons on the amp) could be offered via the keyboard. This would allow for wireless control of the amp (via wireless keyboard). Would this be something anyone else might be interested in?

  • My thoughts are that if the keyboard could replicate turns of the pots on the front of the Profiler then it might save a bit of wear on the hardware. Obviously that would leave a limitation in terms of how far one could be from the amp as you would need to be able to see the display to know what you're editing. Maybe deeper editing control wouldn't really be necessary but 'on the fly' stuff for use during a performance could be helpful.

    I'm not clear on how this would work.

    Are you suggesting that a keyboard be plugged into the KPA?

    I have a keyboard with a wireless dongle which I use to edit the names on the Profiler. The dongle stays in the back.

  • Sorry I don't get it.

    Going to over generalise here....

    2 main uses: Live and Studio.

    Live I don't make changes to profile tags or names. I do virtually no editing, that is done before the gigs. Any edits I do make are changes to eq, volume and perhaps gain...Those types of tweaks are far easier on the unit than trying to map to a keyboard. In fact the layout on the KPA is like an amp so I would hate to use such an interface through a keyboard

    Studio - I am connected to a computer therefore use the editor.

    Am I missing something?

  • One of the main reasons I chose the Kemper Head over something like the Helix or AxeFX was actually the physical knobs and amp like user interface.

    I find editing with knobs far easier than play it with a keyboard or mouse I. Most cases. However, this request plus the recent software editor has made me think of an “improvement” that reasoned make a big difference me :

    the knobs are currently speed sensitive. If you love them fast they scroll through bigger increments than if you move them slowly. In theory this makes fine tuning possible with the need to trim the knob Dorito make larger changes. However, in reality I find the knobs very finicky for fine tuning. In the editor the mouse only moves at one speed but pressing shift changes this to fine tuning mode. It would be AWESOME if something similar could be added to the KPA hardware. For example, holding a Rig plus Quick button while scrolling put the knobs into slow motion fine tuning state.

  • My thoughts are that if the keyboard could replicate turns of the pots on the front of the Profiler then it might save a bit of wear on the hardware. Obviously that would leave a limitation in terms of how far one could be from the amp as you would need to be able to see the display to know what you're editing. Maybe deeper editing control wouldn't really be necessary but 'on the fly' stuff for use during a performance could be helpful.

    I have a keyboard with a wireless dongle which I use to edit the names on the Profiler. The dongle stays in the back.

    The idea that you'll wear these pots out is a misnomer. There is effectively zero wear on them. I'm out of my element saying this, but I'd guess they're contactless encoders and not 'pots' in the sense guitarists tend to use.

    How are you getting the KPA to recognize the keyboard? Never heard of that.

  • the knobs are currently speed sensitive. If you love them fast they scroll through bigger increments than if you move them slowly. In theory this makes fine tuning possible with the need to trim the knob Dorito make larger changes. However, in reality I find the knobs very finicky for fine tuning. In the editor the mouse only moves at one speed but pressing shift changes this to fine tuning mode. It would be AWESOME if something similar could be added to the KPA hardware. For example, holding a Rig plus Quick button while scrolling put the knobs into slow motion fine tuning state.

    This makes sense...although I don't do fine tuning....everything is big lump changes ha!

    Seriously this would be a useful change for very fine tuning - some kind of "hold" button to stay in fine tuning mode...