A little frustration in performance mode...

  • In performance mode, if I accidentally turn the browse button, it instantly saves whatever profile comes up, , replacing the profile I had worked so hard on (Additional tweeking etc that has been done within the performance...gone!! arghhhh!!!)...There is no "undo" when this happens..Is there a way to "lock" performances and the presets within them? It's frustrating to say the least..

  • Navigate to another performance and back.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • This frustrates me too. Navigating to another performance and then back does not bring back your original performance. It just brings back up the unwanted overwritten performance. This bug should be fixed. I would rather have to manually save any changes through menu button presses than have it automatically overwrite your performance when it was not your intention to overwrite it. In browse mode if you tweak a rig and don’t manually save it and switch to another rig in the browser and then go back to the original rig your tweaks are not saved. Why can’t performance mode work the same way?

  • Also on a side note I even restored from a backup once to get my original performance back that was overwritten by turning the browse knob and it did not restore the original performance. The unwanted performance was still there!

  • This frustrates me too. Navigating to another performance and then back does not bring back your original performance. It just brings back up the unwanted overwritten performance. This bug should be fixed. I would rather have to manually save any changes through menu button presses than have it automatically overwrite your performance when it was not your intention to overwrite it. In browse mode if you tweak a rig and don’t manually save it and switch to another rig in the browser and then go back to the original rig your tweaks are not saved. Why can’t performance mode work the same way?

    Even if you navigate to another performance and select a rig in it and then go back?

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • In performance mode, if I accidentally turn the browse button, it instantly saves whatever profile comes up, , replacing the profile I had worked so hard on (Additional tweeking etc that has been done within the performance...gone!! arghhhh!!!)...There is no "undo" when this happens..Is there a way to "lock" performances and the presets within them? It's frustrating to say the least..

    If you edit a Performance on the front panel of the PROFILER, these edits are just temporary until you store the Performance. This also applies to selecting another Rig from the browse pool via BROWSE knob. If you leave the Performance without storing, these edits are lost.

    If you modify a Performance in Rig Manager, changes take immediate effect. This also applies,, if you drag & drop another Rig into one of the Slots.

    I cannot reproduce any exceptions from these rules under OS 7.1.19 and RM 3.0.99 beta.

  • If you edit a Performance on the front panel of the PROFILER, these edits are just temporary until you store the Performance. This also applies to selecting another Rig from the browse pool via BROWSE knob. If you leave the Performance without storing, these edits are lost.

    If you modify a Performance in Rig Manager, changes take immediate effect. This also applies,, if you drag & drop another Rig into one of the Slots.

    I cannot reproduce any exceptions from these rules under OS 7.1.19 and RM 3.0.99 beta.

    This is certainly not intuitive to me, and a bit scary. How does one try out changes and then decide to keep or not?

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • But this has always been the case in Rig Manager!? Rig Manager has no STORE button. You can drag a Rig into a Performance which isn't even currently loaded in the PROFILER and it takes permanent effect. There is no "try out ". You can even assemble Performances or change Rig tags while no PROFILER is connected.

    The Editor is different as it is linked and limited to the edit buffer currently loaded in the PROFILER. That portion has Store buttons.

  • If you edit a Performance on the front panel of the PROFILER, these edits are just temporary until you store the Performance. This also applies to selecting another Rig from the browse pool via BROWSE knob. If you leave the Performance without storing, these edits are lost.

    If you modify a Performance in Rig Manager, changes take immediate effect. This also applies,, if you drag & drop another Rig into one of the Slots.

    I cannot reproduce any exceptions from these rules under OS 7.1.19 and RM 3.0.99 beta.

    Well..that's just it...it does store it without me saving it...That is what is weird..I turn it off, turn it back on, whatever profile I pulled up stays there...So, in short, I don't need to hit save when storing a profile within a slot of Performance mode. The only things that don't save (unless I manually save) are any changes I make to that particular profile, which should be that way...Seems to me that this should be the same for ANY changes I make to a slot within performance mode..It should not be auto saving...

  • Not sure, if you understood my explanation. You initially stated:

    "In performance mode, if I accidentally turn the browse button, it instantly saves whatever profile comes up, , replacing the profile I had worked so hard on (Additional tweeking etc that has been done within the performance...gone!! arghhhh!!!)...There is no "undo" when this happens..Is there a way to "lock" performances and the presets within them? It's frustrating to say the least.."

    And that isn't true. The stored Performance doesn't get overwritten when you turn the BROWSE knob. A load of another Rig via BROWSE knob just changes the temporary edit buffer. You can reload the original Performance and it will appear unchanged - as stored.

    If you edited a Rig of a Performance e. g. in Slot 3 and then turn the BROWSE knob and select another Rig, the temporary edits are gone (not the stored Performance!) . You can avoid accidental Rig loads by unselecting Autoload. In this case a selection of another Rig needs to be followed by pressing the Load button. This will probably not happen accidentally.

    All this is the behavior since day one.

  • If you edit a Performance on the front panel of the PROFILER, these edits are just temporary until you store the Performance. This also applies to selecting another Rig from the browse pool via BROWSE knob. If you leave the Performance without storing, these edits are lost.

    If you modify a Performance in Rig Manager, changes take immediate effect. This also applies,, if you drag & drop another Rig into one of the Slots.

    I cannot reproduce any exceptions from these rules under OS 7.1.19 and RM 3.0.99 beta.

    I found this to be very counter-intuitive, and lost a number of hours' work when trying to set up a loaned KPA for a one-off gig. After having set everything up in performances while attached to my laptop (Win8), fighting through software crashes and lock-ups about every 15-20 minutes, I unplugged and all seemed OK. When I plugged in my MIDI controller at rehearsal everything I had done vanished. Very embarrassing, and not easy to recover from.

    I love the way the Kemper sounds and feels, and I am tempted to purchase and make it my gig rig. The UI and software is giving me all sorts of problems, though.....and it has me on the fence. I get that some of it is a matter of not doing it the way the KPA wants me to do it, but should it really be this difficult?

  • Not sure, if you understood my explanation. You initially stated:

    "In performance mode, if I accidentally turn the browse button, it instantly saves whatever profile comes up, , replacing the profile I had worked so hard on (Additional tweeking etc that has been done within the performance...gone!! arghhhh!!!)...There is no "undo" when this happens..Is there a way to "lock" performances and the presets within them? It's frustrating to say the least.."

    And that isn't true. The stored Performance doesn't get overwritten when you turn the BROWSE knob. A load of another Rig via BROWSE knob just changes the temporary edit buffer. You can reload the original Performance and it will appear unchanged - as stored.

    If you edited a Rig of a Performance e. g. in Slot 3 and then turn the BROWSE knob and select another Rig, the temporary edits are gone (not the stored Performance!) . You can avoid accidental Rig loads by unselecting Autoload. In this case a selection of another Rig needs to be followed by pressing the Load button. This will probably not happen accidentally.

    All this is the behavior since day one.

  • ...I just went out, turned on my Kemper..Went to "Performance Mode"..Pulled up a performance , went to a slot of mine that I worked on loaded up..turn the "Browse" knob so a different Profile loads up..I don't hit save,...I scroll to a different slot, then back to the one I was just working on, guess what? The new profile is loaded and saved (in that slot), my preset gone...I turn it off, and back on, go to "Performance Mode", my preset is still gone and now contains the new profile... It is SAVING. Again, my preformance preset slot no longer contains my profile....

  • steinweiner, I just purchased my stage last week so maybe we are both doing something wrong but this issue is exactly what I encountered when I built my first performance. Since that time I have set it not to autoload so I wouldn't inadvertently have the selected performance slot overwritten but it seems to me I should not have to do that step.

  • steinweiner, I just purchased my stage last week so maybe we are both doing something wrong but this issue is exactly what I encountered when I built my first performance. Since that time I have set it not to autoload so I wouldn't inadvertently have the selected performance slot overwritten but it seems to me I should not have to do that step.

    ...I must have missed this (Sorry if this was already explained..) There is an autoload function? Ahhhhhh this might be the answer...I think this changed with the latest update. I will try it...Thanks.

  • ...I just went out, turned on my Kemper..Went to "Performance Mode"..Pulled up a performance , went to a slot of mine that I worked on loaded up..turn the "Browse" knob so a different Profile loads up..I don't hit save,...I scroll to a different slot, then back to the one I was just working on, guess what? The new profile is loaded and saved (in that slot), my preset gone...I turn it off, and back on, go to "Performance Mode", my preset is still gone and now contains the new profile... It is SAVING. Again, my preformance preset slot no longer contains my profile....

    Keep in mind that turning on and off does nothing as the edit buffer is persistent. You need to navigate to another rig in another performance and back in order the revert they changes.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • In deed!

    All edits are maintained while you stay within the same Performance and navigate on the front panel. The intend is, that you don't always have to press STORE before you move to another Slot while you are setting up a Performance. But this only applies to the edit buffer! Nothing is stored! Your original stored Performance doesn't change before you press STORE again. In order to load the stored Performance again, you need to move to another Performance and return. This is how Performance Mode works since day 1. Here is what the Main Manuals says:

    üWhile navigating Slots within a Performance via the PAGE buttons of the PROFILER Stage, or the left and right RIG navigation cross buttons of the other PROFILER variants, any modifications (e.g. loading another Rig, or cranking up Gain) are interpreted as editing, and will be retained until you move to another Performance. Don’t forget to store before you load another Performance, if you want to make those modifications permanent.

  • The intend is, that you don't always have to press STORE before you move to another Slot

    Ah yes, that is a very nice feature I missed before in other betas, getting mad to always have to press the Store button.

    While navigating Slots within a Performance(!) via the PAGE buttons of the PROFILER Stage(...) any modifications (e.g. loading another Rig, or cranking up Gain) are interpreted as editing, and will be retained until you move to another Performance.

    In my understand, there is a contradiction in the sentence itself. Or, otherwise, I do not understand the term "slot"! Until now I think slots are the five possible selectable "rigs" by the 5 footswitches. And a selected "Performance" will be left when you press the page buttons (Up/Down).