Why is there no expression pedal on the Stage or Remote?

  • So here's the deal for me- if you get a "built in Pedal" on your Remote and it lasts as long as the 1st released Helix floorboards did, you most likely would have a broken pedal. Many whole Floorboards had to be replaced because of a defect on the 1st run. The way it is now, if your Mission pedal (or any other) breaks just fix it or replace it as the Kemper Remote is not effected. Much better design the way it is now.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • I would have purchased a Stage or Remote if they had one included.

    I found another solution with a built in pedal. Works great.

    Yeah, that's pushing me in the direction of a rack Kemper and a non-Kemper floor controller. The Remote is a bit of overkill in total controls and lacking a couple of key pieces from my perspective, and I really want a single-piece solution.

    The combination of simplicity and completeness should be the goal of any user interface, right?

  • I use mine to turn the Wah on an off. I don't like the bypass@.... feature as I'm used to stamping hard on an old school wah. I never share volume and Wah on the same pedal so it doesn't bother me. I very rarely use the pitch pedal but I have the was assigned to pitch when the Wah is off so effectively I use it to toggle bewteen wah and pitch.

  • I don't get it...

    You choose your layout

    You have as many or few as you want

    You choose the "quality" - I refuse to spend ridiculous money on mission pedals. I also have a mixture as I prefer a crybaby pedal for wah and Moog EP3 for volume and pitch. I also prefer @bypass, can't stand the vagueness of a click button :)

    Robustness of the pedal is not linked to the main pedal

    So the only downside is having the pedals separately. I mount mine on a board so no additional set up faff. If it had built in pedals, I'd still need to mount it somehow so not really much of a downside.

    I had a FCB1010 and whilst it was pretty good, the expression pedals aren't great, too close together and the pedal itself can get confused easily ( if you clip 2 buttons at once it selects nothing and goes dead).