Kemper Kone in Laney LFR-112

  • Would the Kone work as a replacement speaker in the Laney LFR-112?

    I have been trying to find the impedance of the 12 that's in my Laney, and so far I can't. I suspect that if a 4=ohm load would work, you could do it. But you would want to get around the crossover and ditch the compression driver.

    What do you guys think?

  • The amp is probably capable of 4-16ohms but I doubt the speaker will work as CK intended. I predict many will put the Kone into their composite or particle board FRFR housings and then go on the internet and claim the "Kone sucks"

  • Well, you may be right about that, but I have a "few" years of experience and also I pretty much like my Laney. At least I can turn the tweeter off, as it seems to make profiles a bit too harsh. I'm just intrigued by the Kone, and since I already have powered cab in the Laney, was just pondering...

  • The question is if the Laney electronic circuits include any sound correction for the original speaker even in its full-range mode and if you can really fully disable that.

    I had thought about that....but you know I tried 3 FRFR's before I got the Laney and they all sounded different. So what really is "FRFR?" I don't really worry too much about that...even if the Laney does have a button that boosts lows and highs, which I never use. Just thinking, before I go butchering up a device trying to "improve" it....not that I have ever done that, mind you....:saint:

  • I too am very interested if this would be an acceptable application of the "Kone". I like the Laney better than anything else I've tried with the Kemper but there is still something there whether in cab/on/off and executing the 1x12 emulation from the Laney that is still lacking the "amp in the room" that I am still desperately craving. Really feel it's the speaker in the Laney that just cannot produce the sound I'm looking for and since I have the non-powered Kemper was hoping that just replacing the speaker with the "Kone" might be the trick.

    Would greatly appreciate any info. regarding if this is a viable option.

    Thanks for starting this thread.

  • Ask Laney, and find out who makes the amp and ask them too.

    I have a XiTone MBritt powered cab with a Dayton amp and a Celestion FTX1225. The speaker has 4 connectors. Two for the main, and two for the tweeter.

    I'm waiting for a response from Dayton to see if I can just use the main out, and flatten the DSP EQ.

  • dmatthews Thanks for the tip,

    Here is the answer from Laney they reacted very quickly:

    We don’t think the Kemper Kone will work correctly in the LFR112. They claim that it is a full range speaker which when used directly with the profiler would recreate different sounds. The LFR112 has a crossover which splits any HF an LF signal to each speaker and tweeter to obtain the Full range.

    Should you fit the Kemper speaker into the LFR it won't receive all the intended signals and may sound different then intended.

    Ideally the speaker should be fitted to a standard passive cabinet.

    Kind regards

    Peter Smith

    UK Service Support

    Laney Amplification……eyamplification

    Kemper Head - Kemper Remote - Palmer Box with Kemper Kone - TC Electronic BAM200 - Laney LFR 112

  • Regardless of what they say the speaker stock speaker still needs to be crossed over, this is accomplished with passively or actively, the amp itself is full range. Open it up and see where the crossover is, whether it’s passive (capacitors and couls) or built into the amp module.