Kone & Kabinet Q&A

  • Hey KPA.

    I’d like to use the Kabinet alongside my Orange 2x12.

    Is this possible with the different OHM ratings ?

    Would I need anything specific to do so ?

    could I use the Kabinet out of the Monitor out and then keeping the Orange out of the speaker out ?

    If you use the monitor out you would need to get an external power amp such as this Seymour Duncan, if you run both cabinets off your powered Kemper output I think you would need a device like this Palmer CAB M Passive Cabinet Merger. I'm not sure how the volume would match up between the 2 cabinets and you might want to look of a similar device that would allow you to mix the signal to adjust the volume between the 2. Maybe someone else can explain if you can hook one cabinet to left and one to right straight of the Kemper but I think you would have an impedance mismatch.

    “I used to jog but the ice cubes kept falling out of my glass.”

    Dave Lee Roth of Van Halen - 1979

  • Hey KPA.

    I’d like to use the Kabinet alongside my Orange 2x12.

    Is this possible with the different OHM ratings ?

    Would I need anything specific to do so ?

    could I use the Kabinet out of the Monitor out and then keeping the Orange out of the speaker out ?

    This exact setting is not possible as the Profiler has no means to drive a real guitar speaker and the special kone at the same time.

  • It's possible, but you would have to run your Orange cab from the main out with an external poweramp, and then you would have to run a dummy cab in the cabinet section otherwise the Orange cab will see a cab profile resulting in a double cab sound. If you turn the cab section off you will also lose the imprints for the kones.

    Not worth the effort imho

  • I have a probably very dumb question: do the Kemper Kone need to break in?

    Reason that I'm asking is that I have the Stage since 2 weeks and I could get very easily a set of 10 sounds to cover the bases. All of them sounds fenomenal through the PA, through monitors and even through an old, beaten Kustom KBA100 that I have in my cellar at home.

    Today I have received my Kemper Power Kabinet and it sounds very fizzy at almost any setting (With the imprints but even in FRFR mode) I have to turn the Presence on the Cab Out at less then 1/4 to have something that is somehow usable (but still far away from what I hear from the PA).

    All the rigs are tweaked at stage level (we are preparing a small tour) and I've try to get them to sound acceptable also on the monitor out/Kemper Kabinett (also at stage volume) but no luck today.

    I have the Power Amp Boost all the way up to +12dB and the Monitor Out to Main Mono at -10dB. Sweetener at 3

    In FRFR mode is not as bad as with the imprints, but still fizzes like a PA box with a broken tweeter, even on clean sounds..

    The meter of the Power Amp reaches 70% at peak, but no more.

    I've try to plug the Monitor Out (FRFR) in a cheap box (an old beaten Alto) that is sitting in a corner at rehearsal and it was good.

    Please tell me that I'm doing some stupid Kemper Newby mistake...

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better

  • still sounds like you’re turning off the profile cab when you’re using imprints. But I could be wrong

    Cab on the Rig is on, FOH sound is fantastic,

    I'll try again this evening, maybe I have to reduce the power amp boost and increase the Monitor out volume.

    What wonders me is that I can hear the fizz on the clean sounds... I'll try with a track as well

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better


    Monitor Out is set to Main Mono, the Hi/Lo Cut affects also the monitor out. I've put cuts at 7k and 100 Hz and is all good.

    Looks like the Kone is not really FRFR (nore is it supposed to be) and the highest frequencies fizzes out.

    Nevertheless this is now solved.

    Thanks all and sorry for coming with such a beginner mistake

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better


    Monitor Out is set to Main Mono, the Hi/Lo Cut affects also the monitor out. I've put cuts at 7k and 100 Hz and is all good.

    Looks like the Kone is not really FRFR (nore is it supposed to be) and the highest frequencies fizzes out.

    Nevertheless this is now solved.

    Thanks all and sorry for coming with such a beginner mistake

    The Kone is for sure FRFR and it is supposed to be, as we advertise.

    Please take care to have the "Kemper Kone" mode activated at any time.

    And position yourself off-axis to the speaker, as you would do with a guitar speaker.

  • The Kone is for sure FRFR and it is supposed to be, as we advertise.

    Please take care to have the "Kemper Kone" mode activated at any time.

    And position yourself off-axis to the speaker, as you would do with a guitar speaker.


    Monitor Out is set to Main Mono, the Hi/Lo Cut affects also the monitor out. I've put cuts at 7k and 100 Hz and is all good.

    Looks like the Kone is not really FRFR (nore is it supposed to be) and the highest frequencies fizzes out.

    Nevertheless this is now solved.

    Thanks all and sorry for coming with such a beginner mistake

    Kellerblues, I had a terrible time with the first Kone I bought, tried every possible combination of settings for about 3 days and it never sounded even remotely close to YouTube demonstration videos. Turned in a support ticket and Kemper took care of it and sent out another Kone, great customer service.

    The second speaker is as different as night and day sound wise, I'm using it in FRFR mode most of the time. The sound in person is far and above my expectations, I'm elated with the tones!

    I did follow others advice on the forum for settings to get my Kemper to a good starting point, after 4 years of owning it I'm sure I turned a knob and changed the wrong setting at one time or another.

    Did you reset the Initial Global (not at my Kemper but I believe that's right). After that I only changed 3 settings in the output section beside activating Kemper Kone mode, low cut (86kz), high cut (4700hz) and gain boost to zero (I'm going into a TC Electronics Bam200, didn't need the extra boost). None of this helped with the first Kone but I started from scratch again with the second Kone and its stellar. I see you have already done some of the above setting adjustments but if you didn't try resetting the Initial Global give it a shot.