Kone & Kabinet Q&A

  • I have the gain at 9 o’clock, or just under, and the eq is at noon, with the bass just under. The monitor out from the KPA is around -35 dB, if I remember correctly.

    That´s very similar to my setting on the TC BAM 200.

    Kemper Head - Kemper Remote - Palmer Box with Kemper Kone - TC Electronic BAM200 - Laney LFR 112

  • So my Kabinet arrived! My first impression is that this is incredible! It really does sound like the source amp. This is a dream for a small gig or jam.

    The fender profiles with the Jensen imprints have taken on a new life.

  • Yesterday I had the Chance to compare the Kemper-Kabinett with EVM 12L-Imprint to the original EVM installed in a 1x12" Mesa Boogie Thiele Cab.

    The Kemper-Kabinett was rather convincing , since the Sound was nearly 100% identical.

    The difference is the Efficiency of the Thiele-Cab, it sounded louder than the Kabinett.

    Next month I'm goingt to try a Kemper-Kone in the Thiele-Cab, just to verify this Impression.

    I for one am looking forward to your test in the Thiele cabinet. In particular, I'm keen to know if it's better than the Kemper Kabinet on the whole.

    If it's good, I'll order just the speaker and replace the EVM in my cab.

  • Thanks for the answer... So does it sound "equall" the same when you raise the volume on Kemper Kabinet up and most important are you satisfied with the sound?

    Sorry to bother you and thanks again?

    That's what I mean, when I say "eqal". Though when comparing both, it takes a second to switch the Profiler from Imprint to Cab-off and to Change the Speaker-Connection (via A/B-Box).

    Yes I'm satisfied, though I prefer the Goodman-Imprint. So it will be interesting to hear this Imprint, when I had installed a Kone into the Thiele-Cab

  • After all these years playing the KPA through regular guitar speakers, I’m finally digging FRFR. Who’d have thought it? I guess I’m the anti-Ingolf, haha!

    Brilliant!As I follow yours and Ingolf 's advice rigidly, I've no idea who is right now :)

    Seriously, just shows there is no right answer, its what works for you! This sonic adventure never ends...

  • @V8

    'was laughing loud reading your last comment..^^

    Both are right?

    Personally I believe that the Profiler only makes sense with a good frfr..Sam "learned to love it" while Ingolf has just discovered his pure Rock'n'Roll passion again?^^;)

    I don't know..

    Personally I am in the FRFR/studio monitor world for to long now and I really love all the detailed information I get immidiatly while changing many rigs fast...it helps me to understand better in milliseconds "why I choosed this rig" for helping me to play this specific line..which seems to be a big deal for me personally with the Kemper.

    But I will get a powered Kone cabinet in the future for "special purposes"..I hope it can play a huge role for my own profiles of certain "pure Rock'n'Roll animals" I still call my own.There is nothing like my Dual Recto or my Steavens Poundcake with my orange 4x12 loaded with vintage G12Ms..:)


  • So my Kabinet arrived! My first impression is that this is incredible! It really does sound like the source amp. This is a dream for a small gig or jam.

    The fender profiles with the Jensen imprints have taken on a new life.

    Exactly - I have found fenders with jensens the best, although also (not trying to advertise) the new mbritt 2020 pack is amazing through it. The Marshalls on low gain are superb - high gain good too - the Am dream and the VibroVerb - all amazing with the Kone.

  • It's a phase issue. Years ago I tried linking two Vox AC 30's... It sounded like a fart into a sofa, weaker than the one on its own. Basically the frequencies cancel each other out. It's a strange problem. I bet you thought you would sound like God moving furniture!? I later worked with a band who's singer guitarist linked two speaker cabs. We invested in this... https://lehle.com/EN/Lehle-Little-Dual .. It shifts them out of phase and 'voila' well and truly up off the sofa, cocking your leg and letting rip loud enough to blast a hole through your breeches. The sound was immense.

  • Bitwize

    It's a phase issue. Years ago I tried linking two Vox AC 30's... It sounded like a fart into a sofa, weaker than the one on its own. Basically the frequencies cancel each other out. It's a strange problem. I bet you thought you would sound like God moving furniture!? I later worked with a band who's singer guitarist linked two speaker cabs. We invested in this... https://lehle.com/EN/Lehle-Little-Dual .. It shifts them out of phase and 'voila' well and truly up off the sofa, cocking your leg and letting rip loud enough to blast a hole through your breeches. The sound was immense.

    First time posting, haven't got a clue how to jump into a convo??

    Edited once, last by Courteeners (May 8, 2020 at 11:06 AM).

  • Bitwize

    It's a phase issue. Years ago I tried linking two Vox AC 30's... It sounded like a fart into a sofa, weaker than the one on its own. Basically the frequencies cancel each other out. It's a strange problem. I bet you thought you would sound like God moving furniture!? I later worked with a band who's singer guitarist linked two speaker cabs. We invested in this... https://lehle.com/EN/Lehle-Little-Dual .. It shifts them out of phase and 'voila' well and truly up off the sofa, cocking your leg and letting rip loud enough to blast a hole through your breeches. The sound was immense.

    First time posting, haven't got a clue how to jump into a convo??

    I completely agree it’s a phase issue! I just tried new and different speaker cable combinations, testing each Kabinet with every cable, as well as trying both Kabinets as primary and secondary (linked). Same results unfortunately :-(. A single Kabinet produces a HUGE and full tone. Both Kabinets together sound small with very little bass. Also, the Kabinets’ output is labeled as “series wiring” so I should have a total of 8ohms when linked (perfectly acceptable for the Powerhead speaker output). I left a message with Shane at British Audio. That’s where I purchased the Kabinets. Thank you for your reply and assistance Courteeners !

  • Since I am having phase problems when linking my two Kabinets in mono via the Powerhead speaker output, is it probable I would also have phase issues when running a stereo setup with an external poweramp and the L/R monitor outputs on the Powerhead?

    P.S. I’m a bit surprised no one else has mentioned linking two Kabinets together. It’s a really cool mini stack and probably sounds massive when the phase is correct. One Kabinet sounds bigger than anticipated.

    Edited once, last by Bitwize (May 9, 2020 at 6:21 PM).

  • Since I am having phase problems when linking my two Kabinets in mono via the Powerhead speaker output, is it probable I would also have phase issues when running a stereo setup with an external poweramp and the L/R monitor outputs on the Powerhead?

    P.S. I’m a bit surprised no one else has mentioned linking two Kabinets together. It’s a really cool mini stack and probably sounds massive when the phase is correct. One Kabinet sounds bigger than anticipated.

    If you use the same two cabinets and the same speaker cables, yes, definitely.

    As I mentioned earlier, this sounds like a straight forward case of one of your speaker cables being wired incorrectly and is a very simple fix.

  • If you use the same two cabinets and the same speaker cables, yes, definitely.

    As I mentioned earlier, this sounds like a straight forward case of one of your speaker cables being wired incorrectly and is a very simple fix.

    No offense, but I have already tried new cables and every combination of cables and Kabinets. The results are the same. That seems to indicate a mis-wiring on one (or both) Kabinets at the factory. I just hesitate to disassemble brand new Kabinets. I don’t have a multimeter, so I guess I’ll have to buy one.

  • No offense, but I have already tried new cables and every combination of cables and Kabinets. The results are the same. That seems to indicate a mis-wiring on one (or both) Kabinets at the factory. I just hesitate to disassemble brand new Kabinets. I don’t have a multimeter, so I guess I’ll have to buy one.

    I'm sure it was mentioned previously, but why not change one of the cables instead of the Kabinet?

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • I'm sure it was mentioned previously, but why not change one of the cables instead of the Kabinet?

    Thx for the reply. I have changed the cables multiple times. I have no problem with either Kabinet individually. And I’ve tried every combination of cables and Kabinets as primary or linked and still have the phase issue.

  • What Zappledan is suggesting is that - as was suggested earlier - you make a special "phase reversing cable" - wired so that the tip of one plug connects with the sleeve on the plug on the opposite end of the cable and vice versa.

    I would just take a cable you already have and reverse the connections at one end. (I would also label it so it doesn't screw you up at some future time.)

    Use this doctored cable to connect the second cab to the first. Phase problem fixed.

  • What Zappledan is suggesting is that - as was suggested earlier - you make a special "phase reversing cable" - wired so that the tip of one plug connects with the sleeve on the plug on the opposite end of the cable and vice versa.

    I would just take a cable you already have and reverse the connections at one end. (I would also label it so it doesn't screw you up at some future time.)

    Use this doctored cable to connect the second cab to the first. Phase problem fixed.

    Yep. Or open the cabinet and swap the spade connectors at the speaker. I understand the desire to not do this and the rationale that it shouldn't be necessary but alas, errors during manufacturing will always happen. People get things wrong.